This was not an easy decision but was the rightl thing for Teddy to be able to continue his career and have a chance to find a team where he can start. There was a lot of trade interest for Teddy in 3 different regions, but allowing him to pick a home was more important then 💰
娜2021-11-15 09:18:21
河瀬詩2021-11-15 09:19:24
AF快撚啲Thank You Fly and Bang
娜2021-11-15 09:21:43
As many know, Teddy has meant a lot to me personally and I’m going to miss having him be a part of T1. I’ll be cheering for him wherever he lands even if that’s the LCK (except when he plays us). Teddy has been a total professional and has been a great teammate
娜2021-11-15 09:22:27
Meant a lot to me personally
ブシロード2021-11-15 09:26:46
娜2021-11-15 09:28:36
Professional 在做牙蛆隻鴨
硬件台茶包2021-11-15 09:37:23
Welcome Teddy
靂布2021-11-15 09:44:30
OMGLUL2021-11-15 09:45:39
隊長朗:As many know, Fly has meant a lot to me personally
硬件台茶包2021-11-15 09:46:43
娜2021-11-15 09:47:34
[Rumor] GenG will sign 'S', not 'C'
(Likely a coach)