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🐺 🔺 Husky Avax 🐺 🔺
Looking to contribute to the success of Husky Avax, but aren’t sure how? There are lots of ways to help besides just holding Husky Avax tokens!
✅Go to CoinMarketCap, add it to your watchlist (click the ⭐️ icon by the name) and vote ‘Good’ where it asks how you feel about Husky Avax (bottom of page).
✅Vote 5-stars for Husky Avax on Pangolin Sniper. Click the stars to vote.
✅Log into your Twitter account and talk about @AvaxHusky using the hashtag $HUSKY and #HuskyRush
✅Change your social media avatar to a Husky 3D NFT. You can view and purchase them on our Marketplace or at NFTrade under Husky Pack. You may need to change your settings so that everyone can see your favorite Husky!
Thank you! Husky Avax is a community-driven project with long-term goals and we appreciate your support!
🐺 🔺 Husky Avax 🐺 🔺