(4) 錯過左狗狗幣(Doge),柴犬幣(Shib),西摩犬幣(Samo),不能錯過下一隻雪橇幣(Husky)


1001 回覆
17 Like 31 Dislike
訂左 2021-10-29 02:23:19
試下用MetaMask 個browser

迪士尼打手2021 2021-10-29 02:24:24
咁點射d husky 入返metamask?
Thx 巴打
迪士尼打手2021 2021-10-29 02:24:39
PainAuChocolat 2021-10-29 02:25:45
搞大半日 結果卡關係要得幣安認證 要成十日
中間唔著襪 2021-10-29 02:26:00
點解唔喺pankcakeswap用usdt 直接 swap husky?
糖山大兄 2021-10-29 02:26:24
Thank you
訂左 2021-10-29 02:26:36
Import tokens?

9up again
沒有誠意 2021-10-29 02:29:21
我15mins 認證完
迪士尼打手2021 2021-10-29 02:30:36
中間唔著襪 2021-10-29 02:31:17
我先喺幣安c2c USDT,
pancakeswap 開返出嚟import token
再swap USDT > husky
贛鳩無藥醫 2021-10-29 02:37:15
用 trust wallet。connect 到 trader Joe,但 joe 果邊睇唔到 balance… 永遠的0。可以點搞🥲
糖山大兄 2021-10-29 02:37:40
想問trader joe到,點搵husky?
PainAuChocolat 2021-10-29 02:38:13
Undertale 2021-10-29 02:38:28

BSC chain slippage rate好高#w

陳小明牧師 2021-10-29 02:38:59
要add token

Undertale 2021-10-29 02:39:00
用 pancake swap la
Undertale 2021-10-29 02:39:30
然後custom add token
paste smart contract 落去
黃紙(燦笑歪頭 2021-10-29 02:41:39
喺husky官網直接㩒buy husky
我啊媽個波罩你 2021-10-29 02:42:00
如果射bnb 去trust wallet 等左成個鐘都提現唔倒要點搞
黃紙(燦笑歪頭 2021-10-29 02:42:18
喺Husky個tg group見到

🐺 🔺 Husky Avax 🐺 🔺
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✅Change your social media avatar to a Husky 3D NFT. You can view and purchase them on our Marketplace or at NFTrade under Husky Pack. You may need to change your settings so that everyone can see your favorite Husky!

Thank you! Husky Avax is a community-driven project with long-term goals and we appreciate your support!
🐺 🔺 Husky Avax 🐺 🔺
贛鳩無藥醫 2021-10-29 02:43:59
係Joe果邊認唔到我個 wallet 有錢。BNB ETH 全部唔知做乜讀唔到有 balance 🥲
贛鳩無藥醫 2021-10-29 02:44:16
試試先 thx
黃紙(燦笑歪頭 2021-10-29 02:44:33

Undertale 2021-10-29 02:47:13
Husky 係我最鍾意嘅狗狗
無人欣賞我好 2021-10-29 02:47:16
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞