Sony Xperia Pro-I流出,sony首部一吋cmos專業手機!

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2021-10-26 16:12:06

2021-10-26 16:14:04
係, 不過單反吹大咗
同埋特別嘅唔係大底, 而係大底細鏡
2021-10-26 16:22:26
2021-10-26 16:24:40
Prosumer DC都係用1吋咋
OM 4/3 , APS 呢啲單反無反嚟講,已經唔算DC啦
2021-10-26 16:39:34

The big story is of course the 1"-type stacked CMOS sensor from the RX100 VII. However, in order to keep the phone small, Sony has designed a lens that can't project an image circle large enough to cover the entire area of the 1" sensor. That's why, instead of 20MP images, as you'd get from the RX100 VII camera, you get 12MP images. But this has a broader implication: the combination of a slower F2 lens (than many of its smartphone peers) and a sensor that's not quite as big as a 1"-type sensor means the image quality might not meet the initial expectations you might have when you think 'smartphone with RX100 sensor'. In fact, if you consider just the area used for 12MP stills, it has roughly a 12mm diagonal and 70mm2 sensor surface area: closer to the specs of a 1/1.31" sensor (such as the one in the Google Pixel 6).

The Pro-I offers slightly less light-gathering & shallow DOF ability than the iPhone 13 Pro
With an F2 lens, we calculate that the main camera is then roughly F7.1 full-frame equivalent. For perspective, the iPhone 13 Pro's 1/1.65" sensor with F1.5 lens makes it F6.8 full-frame equivalent, which means the main imager on the Xperia Pro-I actually offers slightly less light-gathering and shallow depth-of-field ability than the iPhone 13 Pro, in single exposures before you consider computational imaging approaches, that is. This is something we've confirmed via signal:noise ratio analyses.

2021-10-26 16:52:46
2021-10-26 16:55:24

Type 1 3:2 20Mp 18mm的模組裁切成一隻Type 1/1.33 4:3 12Mp 24mm的模組來宣傳。

R6個鏡組咁大就係因為可以用盡3:2 20Mp 19mm
2021-10-26 17:01:15
CPU 10核心只有6粒可以運用
1/1.33" S21U粒HM3已經係, 9合1後都係12MP, 只係拍夜間片唔可以用, 不過可以拍8K GIMMICK野
變左賣點係夜間拍片, 同埋獨家CHIPS, 可變光圈, DPAF
2021-10-26 17:05:47
但係 PRO-I 係單像素唔使合成已經係 2.4um?
2021-10-26 17:12:25
1. HM3 9合1都有2.4um, 只係拍片唔可以用
2. 所以理論上HM3 9合1後影相吸光能力都係一樣
3. 我就真係想S22U用GN2, 50MP又有1.4um, 又可以4合1變2.8um, 又有DPAF, 又可以拍8K, 又可以出108MP, 50MP有1.4um已經不錯, 1/1.12"CMOS 又唔細
4. 用唔哂粒CMOS真係浪費, PRO-I 取消個長焦, 就夠位加大鏡頭啦, 又或者取消3D-IOF, 反正有315個對焦點
2021-10-26 17:17:51
1、2. 我始終覺得原生係好過多合一
3. 點解唔三鏡整晒 1"
2021-10-26 17:18:24
3D-IToF要嚟做影相同拍片都用到嘅eyeAF/Realtime tracking

2021-10-26 17:19:30
有 想要跟機嘅相機呢部好抵
2021-10-26 17:20:26
點解唔三鏡整晒 1", 冇位吖大佬, 電池縮到3500MAH你肯唔肯先
2021-10-26 17:20:54
即係5 III冇呢個功能?
2021-10-26 17:21:19
2021-10-26 17:23:22
做大部機囉,死守 6.5 吋
2021-10-26 17:23:39
呢部如果出埋原廠hand grip就一流
2021-10-26 17:24:51
2021-10-26 17:25:51
我見有個vlog腳架咋喎,你邊度睇到有hand grip?
2021-10-26 17:26:36
2021-10-26 17:26:40
21:9 6.5"已經係極限, 你知道SONY好堅持果D所謂手感同整體BALANCE
2021-10-26 17:29:54
2021-10-26 17:30:30
2021-10-26 17:34:48
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