Quotes from article:
I think this is one of the deep-seated problems with male-female relations in general and dating specifically. Men are supposed to somehow know what women want and need, and women don't seem to feel the need, generally speaking, to be more verbal and clear about those wants and needs. In dating, men are somehow supposed to intuit how open – or not - a woman is to his approach, and then the exact right approach to take. If he makes one wrong move, he's missed his chance and the woman will have another story for her female friends about how “this one creepy guy looked at me when I was naked in a hot tub!” Women think nothing of dressing in sexy outfits and then complain when men look at them in a sexual manner (by the way, I heartily approve of sexy outfits on women, and I absolutely disagree with anyone who says that how a woman dresses can be blamed for men physically or verbally assaulting her or assuming they have any right to touch her without her consent).
I don't blame the good, single men I know for being confused and disheartened by this state of affairs, and for deciding not to even bother. I might suggest that women give men the benefit of the doubt, as well as consider being more clear in their communications with men who show an interest, and not to assume he's creepy because he thinks you're attractive. I tend to be polite to men who approach me in a polite way. If a guy asks if he can take me out and I'm not interested, I just say “No, thanks.” In every instance, the man has politely said “OK” and left me alone. I know that this isn't always the way it happens, but I'd rather err on the side of politeness (of course taking into consideration the context of the meeting. If it's a dark alleyway and I'm alone, I'm going to get myself to a public, well-lit place when approached by a strange man, but in a bar or coffee shop or party, why not be polite?) than on the side of assuming every strange man is a creep.