《大學教授的擔憂》學生聽不懂什麼是「檔案」和「資料夾」 從小只用智慧型手機的後果?

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2021-10-02 23:14:52
隨著智慧型手機的普及,年輕人接觸電腦的時間越來越晚,許多人都是等到學校上課需要使用電腦,甚至是出社會需要使用電腦辦公才會開始學習。最近美國網路媒體The Verge就針對這個問題撰寫了專題報導。文中訪問了多位從事教職的人士,他們都對於學生的電腦知識越來越低落深有體會,同時也感到十分憂心。有的學生竟然聽不懂什麼是「檔案」和「資料夾」,要去哪裡找存檔都不知道啊……


這篇報導最近在日本推特引爆話題,而這其實最初是出自美國網路媒體The Verge撰寫的專題報導……

報導標題是「File Not Found」,找不到檔案?



「天文物理學家Catherine Garland從2017年開始就發現了這個問題。當她在教導一門工程課時,要求學生使用模擬軟體建構噴射機的渦輪引擎。當她下達指示之後,學生們一個接一個向她求助,問題的內容都是:『軟體找不到檔案。』」







2021-10-02 23:16:01
content farm
2021-10-02 23:18:29
Google’s generation of students doesn’t know what files and folders are, according to teachers

The college students have reached the degrees of Engineering and Physics they have to be instructed in files and folders. These do not know what they are, and according to The Verge it is for how they have grown up using a PC.
It is simply because when they need a file, they search in google, something about which the astrophysicist Catherine Garland. “I used to think that a file was in a certain folder, it is there and I have to go to that place to find it“.
“Now they see everything as a cube and everything is there“Strange as it may seem to past generations, and like everything else, the PC has evolved. These generations live immersed in very powerful search engines, main engine when configuring a computer from 0.
Similarly, mobiles and tablets operate in the same way and even the one saved in the cloud. For this reason, recent graduates and those who are starting at university, if they need something, they look for it and store it without further ado, so hard drives do not see the same.
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“Students have had these PCs in my lab, they have hundreds of files on their desk, and I am an obsessive organizer“, He said Peter Plavchan, associate professor of physics and astronomy at George Mason University, who I commented it like this to The Verge.
“They have no problem with 1,000 files like that and I think it’s because of how we access them now“. As they point out in The Verge, “the first search engine was created in 1990, but Windows Search and Spotlight on macOS are from 2000 […] While most teachers grew up without them on their phones and PCs, today’s students can’t remember a world without them.“.
Obviously, this is not bad since times change and people with them. “When I was a student I’m sure a teacher would say ‘OMG I don’t understand how this person doesn’t know how to drop a chip onto a board’ and this kind of thing (surprises) will never go away“Plavchan said.
And Garland, the astrophysicist who teaches engineering, has started using search engine functions on her PC, searching for files just like her students. “Is this, like, I don’t even need these folders inside of it“, He said.
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For these types of cases, and others, it is good to create a panic button in Windows 10. Finally, The Verge asks: “Your game library is all in a folder called steamapps, when was the last time you logged in?“.
Source: The Verge (Thanks, PC Gamer)

2021-10-02 23:24:57
2021-10-02 23:48:46

2021-10-02 23:51:54
雲端咪又係行file system
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞