“optometrists are not medical doctors; other than using examination related drugs such as pupil-dilating eye drops and giving eyeglasses or contact lenses prescriptions, optometrists are not qualified to prescribe any drugs,”
k00kder2021-09-24 05:52:11
當然美加 optometrist 可以 prescribe 眼科藥,同香港有啲唔同
我個optometrist 都去過香港 PolyU 唔知exchange 定 實習
勿通膠類2021-09-24 05:54:37
膠拿大嘅可以開一般眼科藥,美國有些州可以同你做 laser (我估係眼壓個種,唔係近視個種)。
毛新宇將軍2021-09-24 06:02:12
笑撚死,本身chiropractor 個philosophy 就唔係scientific based