Okay. Fine. Let’s talk power. How much power does this need from my computer or phone?
None. Hel is powered by the included 2.1A USB power supply.
So I have to plug in the USB power supply?
Yes. Hel draws nearly 2A at full clip, so it really needs a 2.1A supply. It won’t run off most USB ports or 1A chargers.
Instead of your 2.1A USB power supply, can I use a super-crazy linear supply that costs 3X as much as the Hel to get better performance?
Go back and read what you just asked. Seriously, just use the 2.1A supply we gave you.
Yeah, I hear you, but I really really really want to spend a lot of money on a linear power supply that does nothing!
We understand. And you should be free to waste your money any way you'd like. But really, your super-pristine linear supply with the Regurgitson Ultraregulators isn't gonna do anything, since it's running through a switching supply anyway. You know, just like lots of other, more expensive products do...except we tell you this, and don't encourage you to throw money down the loo.