買電視機 / 換電視機 集中討論區 (57)

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2021-09-05 20:19:51
其實以前我玩AV Amp年代因為住得細,當年成套野加隻Mirage MM6, 點知俾人投訴到暈,所以唔太敢再買
2021-09-05 20:20:03
2021-09-05 20:30:31
等登行一次個睡眠 timer 但都再著番
2021-09-05 20:31:19
試下更新FIRMWARE, 之後成部機重設
2021-09-05 20:42:43
Step巴,想請問下A80J配JBL9.1 soundbar 啲聲掂唔掂?因為貪JBL 個後置喇叭可以有需要時先插,慳位啲thanks
2021-09-05 20:58:37
請問samsung qled 55" qn90a ok嗎?
2021-09-05 21:04:16
2021-09-05 21:04:51
2021-09-05 21:06:32
QN90A 對手係A80/90J
唔諗OLED 唯有考慮QN90A
2021-09-05 21:12:21
qx2a 會唔會上唔到youtube或其他apps?
2021-09-05 21:13:31
暗價11480 送100 donki 現金劵

2021-09-05 21:14:41
明白 唔該!!
2021-09-05 21:14:57
2021-09-05 21:25:02
但無一般android tv 咁豐富
2021-09-05 21:26:17
2021-09-05 21:26:36
To use the Apple TV app, AirPlay, and HomeKit, you will need to enable the Sony Smart TV services via the BRAVIA™ TV Privacy Policy. If you experience Apple TV access or connection issues when pairing to an Apple device using the AirPlay app, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

On the supplied TV remote, press the HELP button.
Go to Status & Diagnostics, and then select Privacy settings.
On the Privacy Policy screen, read the privacy policy, if you agree, scroll down to the very bottom of the policy, and then agree, at least with respect to Sony Smart TV services, or select the Agree to all option if you desire.
On the TV remote control, press the Input button, and then select AirPlay from the input selection to display the AirPlay menu.

2021-09-05 21:43:08
SONY配JBL好似有獲氣, 詳細建議你去SOUNDBAR區問下~
2021-09-05 21:43:42
轉左區後同行貨一樣, 唔會上唔到
2021-09-05 21:44:25
2021-09-05 22:21:53
2021-09-05 22:49:29
我聽係話無eArc得ARC嘅sony tv同jbl夾有問題
2021-09-05 22:50:44
Sony KD-50X80J吧, 各方面都好過AU9000

2021-09-05 23:03:31
筆直唔多 (max4500)
想換部4k smart tv(支援到apple airplay) 43inch嘅有咩推介🙏🏼 諗住家母就生日又想換咗老爺電視好耐 當生日禮物送俾佢 但學生哥無咩錢
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞