英國下議院今日召開休假期間特別會議,跨黨為阿富汗亂 亂局圍咬首相肥波嘅機會,亦係疫情之開始之後,首次全 體議員出席嘅一次。
保守黨自己友响七個鐘嘅質詢裡面,可以話比最大在野黨 工黨,或者任何黨派議員批評得更激烈。
當中,外交委員 會主席Tom Tugendhat嘅演說就得到全體跨議員起身鼓掌致敬,然後不論左中右媒體詳細報導分享,可能係近年,甚至將來最 精采嘅演說之一,因為有齊晒動之而情,曉之以理,導之 以行,勉之以恆,表達失望同憤怒嘅同時,可以保持英式 嘅內斂,批評拜登之餘亦有策略同下一步應做嘅事。
學英文或者演講一流! 結尾嗰兩段尤其勁抽,用言語製造畫面。
//So I leave with one image. In the year that I was privileged to be the adviser to the governor of Helmand province, we opened girls' schools. The joy it gave parents, seeing their little girl going to school, was extraordinary. I didn't understand it until I took my own daughters to school about a year ago. There was a lot of crying when she first went in, but I got over it.//
(我可以比一個畫面比各位想象下,當年我有幸做阿富汗 Helmand省總督嘅顧問,我地開咗間女子學校。睇到啲女 仔嘅家長, 望住自己個女返學嗰份喜悅係非常特別。當時我唔太理解 直到上年我個女開始上學,親身經歷好多感動嘅淚水先 感受到嗰種感覺。)
//But there is a second image that I must leave you with and it is a harder one. But I am afraid it is one I think we must all remember. The second image is one that the forever war that has just reignited could lead to. It is the image of a man whose name I will never know carrying a child who had died hours earlier, carrying this child into our base and begging for help. There was nothing we could do. It was over. This is what defeat looks like: when you no longer have a choice of how to help. This doesn't need to be defeat - but at the moment, it damn well feels like it.//
(但係!我必須要比另一個殘酷嘅畫面比大家,恐怕我地要永遠記住。呢個畫面係依家重燃嘅永恆戰爭所做成嘅。 一個我永遠無辦法知佢名字嘅嘅男人,抱住自己响幾個鐘 頭前已經死咗嘅小朋友,走黎我地嘅基地哀求協助。但我 地乜做唔到,因為所有嘢都完喇。呢個就係戰敗嘅後果︰ 連選擇幫助嘅權利也沒有。可能唔能夠話係戰敗,但呢一 刻,感覺就係咁撚樣。)
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Credit: Goodbye HK, Hello UK