變咗個programming contest
建議仲用緊模擬click event嘅人都轉用呢個直接控制backend嘅code,因為佢CPU用量極少,配合多個VM + VPN 用都一定冇問題.
我亦改咗少少code, 加咗random避免次次send 800被ban, 解決咗因為browser閒置而變咗60秒先send一次嘅問題 (現在可以minimise咗個window由佢run都ok).
頭一下可能會有503 error,但之後就會回復正常.
(()=>{ console.clear() var event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key: 'g',ctrlKey: true}); var pop_cnt = 800; //Initial value // Start sendStats interval document.dispatchEvent(event); var vue = document.getElementById('app').__vue__; vue.accumulator = pop_cnt; // Set vue to initial pop count var total = 0; // Total pops var N = 0; //Count valid transactions var iv = setInterval(()=>{ var vue = document.getElementById('app').__vue__; // Get VUE if(vue.bot){ // Check if user is marked as bot (just for safety measures, very unlikely to happen) console.log("%c You've been barked as a bot. Please clear your cookies.", "background: #a00; color: #fff"); clearInterval(iv); return; } // Prevent ban vue.sequential_max_pops = 0; // Detect sendStats function run if (vue.accumulator == 0){ total += pop_cnt; N++; console.log(`${N}: [${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}] %c${pop_cnt} pops sent (Total: ${total})`, "color: #0f0"); document.dispatchEvent(event); //prevent idle pop_cnt = 800-Math.floor(Math.random()*10); vue.accumulator = pop_cnt; // Set pops } else { vue.open = false; } }, 1000); console.log("%c Bot started. Waiting for the first request being sent. ", "background: #050; color: #0f0"); })();