Whenever there’s disaster, we donate.
We are the Celestial Being of the cryptocurrency world. We donate to the dead, the weak, and the poor.
The tragic event in China has motivated us to step up and contribute. The more death count in China, the more coins we are going to send out. They will receive resurrection once the deathcoins have been sent out. We aim to digitalize, decentralize the death registry of the world. We will be adding the death count from Covid-19, extreme Africa fasting practitioner soon.
Do they deserve it? Yes. Every dead person is eligible to receive our Deathcoin.
If you are dead, I can send you and your family some Deathcoins with your name on them. Your name and your cause of death will be recorded on the Blockchain eternally. The coin itself will be a living proof that you are gone.
Leave us your trc20 / tronlink wallet address, the deceased name, cause of death and I will send you some Deathcoins to memorize it.