Bear Grylls 其實只係後備兵 ( Territorial Army)
然後用後備兵身分加入SAS做Support role
Royal Marines個名函只係 honorary rank
In 2004, Grylls was awarded the honorary rank of lieutenant commander in the Royal Naval Reserve; and in 2013 he was awarded the honorary rank of lieutenant colonel in the Royal Marines Reserve.
BTW, 傘兵部隊可以有狙擊手呢個MOS
82 airborne / 101 air assault 係唔包含兩棲作戰
都無學過野外求生 (SERE School)
75th 遊騎兵 (T2/3 特種部隊) 都無包含兩棲作戰,
海陸空都有既 應該係得 Navy SEAL , Army Special Forces(Green Berets), 另外就係 Air Force CCT. 應該都有海上作戰能力 全部都係特種部隊
基本上你睇佢地個 training pipeline 有無 Scuba Schools 就知道