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2021-07-13 09:45:13
2021-07-13 10:00:29
你去想入既公會discord 裡面申請加入
2021-07-13 10:35:57
2021-07-13 15:47:36
2021-07-14 00:13:35
2021-07-14 09:08:20
賣到果本拎去賣呀 30-35k一本架
2021-07-14 09:10:26
2021-07-14 11:05:36
2021-07-14 11:23:52
2021-07-14 11:25:49
2021-07-14 11:31:03
2021-07-14 11:34:54
我知呀,開頭毒藥用埋都含,依家睇晒技能點用會最高輸出就知點打打贏好撚爽,有dark soul打贏boss既感覺
2021-07-14 11:40:20
呢隻驚推完隻boss 開箱果刻最興奮
2021-07-14 13:49:17
2021-07-14 14:20:52
2021-07-15 17:37:47
q3 僵硬時間減少 :
1st and 2nd Hit Standtime: 0.3s -> 0.2s

e 改版,第一下附加一層被動 第二下 改為 目標血量低於40%造成 雙倍傷害, 變成一個圓形血刺。
Bloody Reap (Infernal Scythe)
First Hit now applies a Rending Bleed stack
First Hit Damage: 74.45 -> 55
Second Hit doesn't apply the DoT anymore
Second Hit does now extra damage if the enemy has below 40% health
Damage above 40% Health: 74.45 -> 75
Damage below 40% Health: 74.45 -> 175

q2 藍耗加高,擊中回藍加高, 對碰回藍 逃跑就缺藍
Deadly Swipe (all Daggers)
Energycost: 6 -> 8
Energy Regain on hit: 2 -> 5
w2 重做, 改為短cd 短距離位移的技能。 cd 8s
Dash (all Daggers)
Cooldown: Does not scale with IP anymore, and is instead always 8s
Range: 8m -> 4m
Damage Increase Duration: 4s -> 2s
w3 取消減療效果 改為禁療 1.5s 同時還會打斷,
Forbidden Stab (all Daggers)
Hitdelay: 0.1s -> 0s
Standtime: 0.2s -> 0.1s
Removed the Healing Received and Healing Cast Debuff.
Instead the target won't be able to receive any healing for 1.5s. (this debuff is cleanseable)
The Abillity now also interrupts enemy spell casts.
w5 大削弱 傷害直接少了 33%
Chain Slash (all Daggers)
Damager per hit: 120 -> 94

火法 :
新技能 q3 一個非指向性技能 每擊中一次 會獲得一個被動 3層被動之後 發射一個加傷的火球。 Cast Time: 0.4s / Cooldown: 2s / Energycost 5 施法時間0.4 冷卻2s 等於現在的q1 跟 q2 結合,,有冷卻, 不能像冰法q3 那樣甩,
Added a new Q-slot Ability: Searing Flame
Overhauled the first prototype
Fire a Searing Flame in the target direction. The first enemy hit receives 94 magical damage and starts burning. Each time you hit an enemy with a Searing Flame you get a Searing Flame Charge. If you have 3 Searing Flame Charges, your next Searing Flame cast will be a Furious Flame instead, dealing 182 magical damage on impact. Burning enemies take 11 magical damage every 1s for 4s.
Cast Time: 0.4s / Cooldown: 2s / Energycost 5

冰封法杖,第三把基礎冰仗,e冰風暴 可以更改方向 範圍增加,傷害增加。
Ice Storm (Glacial Staff)
The cast direction can now be chosen after the cast position
Castrange: 5m -> 10m
Ice Storm travel distance: 23m -> 18m
Damage per Tick (vs players) 60 -> 80
Damage per Tick (vs mobs) 20 -> 25

小鹿杖 災荒 cd變成30秒 跟zvz武器同步
Spirit Animal (Rampant Staff)
Cooldown reduced 45s -> 30s

被動 加強 改回12%
Heroic Charge (all Swords)
Movement Speed & Attack Speed Increase: 9% -> 12%
w3 有第二段施法 消耗一層被動 可以跳躍5米 群體減速3m
Hamstring (all Swords)
if you have a heroic charge when casting, you can now cast a follow up attack for 3s
The follow up consumes 1 Heroic Charge and is a ground target 5m distance leap, which hits enemies in a 3m radius with another hamstring effect.
Slow Strength: 38% -> 25% (But the slow now stacks up to 2 times)

雙劍 e: 傷害打擊範圍 前移3m 就是 跟熊斧比較接近了 cd 變成15s 傷害5%血上限,, 整體來看 大加強
Spinning Blades (Dual Swords)
Jump End Position is now offset by 3 meters. (this means the max range can cover less distance for the caster, but it also makes it easier to space the impact to be able to an enemy, without that enemy interrupting you mid-air. )
Cooldown: 20s -> 15s
Max Health Damage vs Players: 6% -> 5%

王者之劍 e 重做:劍氣斬 210魔法傷害 根據身上的 被動層數 造成以下效果 : 1釋放之後 曾傷10% 3秒 ,2擊中打斷施法
3減速25% 2s, 看起來效果一般般 有待開發。
cd 15s ,
Mighty Swing (Clarent Blade)
Reworked the ability:
Slice the air to shoot a demonic wave in the targeted direction, piercing through all enemies and dealing 210 magical damage. Consumes all Heroic Charges for an secondary effect when the projectile hits an enemy. (You can only get one of the effects, depending on the amount of Heroic Charges, not multiple)
Heroic Charges: 1 | 2 | 3
Effect: Increases all damage you deal by 10% for 3s | interrupts the enemy's spell casting | slows by 25% for 2s
Cast Range: 18m / Cooldown: 15s / Energycost: 14

傭王闊刃大劍 : 擴大打擊範圍,減少cd 終於有 阿瓦隆武器的排面了。
Widened the hitbox of the Smash to make the follow up attack hit more reliable.
Cooldown: 25s -> 20s
2021-07-15 17:37:59
皇家盔甲 吸藍甲 重做: 施法之後 範圍內 敵人施法 會獲得一層充能, 可以隨時 結束光環, 每層充能減速12% 有6層以上 禁錮3秒。
Replaced it with a new Ability: Mighty Discharge
Conjure a charging aura in a 6m radius around you. Get a Charge of Might whenever an enemy casts a spell within this aura. (stacks up to 6 times). The ability lasts up to 8s but can be deactivated sooner. When the ability is deativated all your Charges of Might are consumed to slow all enemies in a 6m radius around you. Each stack slows by 12% for 3s. (stacks up to 5 times). If 6 Charges of Might were consumed the enemies are rooted for 3s.

德魯伊布甲頭: 回藍翻倍。 0.5秒就回一次
Circle of Inspiration (Druid Cowl)
Tick Interval: every 1s -> every 0.5s (The energy gain per tick stays the same, so total energy output is doubled)

引導時間 免疫減速跟禁錮 每一層被動 加移速9% 最高10層。 。變成90% 是30s cd鞋子裡面跑最快的了。
Royal march (Royal Boots)
Is now immune to slow and root during the channel
Movement Speed per Stack: 6% -> 9%
2021-07-17 12:03:20
2021-07-17 16:12:20
2021-07-17 17:36:58
2021-07-17 17:44:43
係咩 唔多覺
2021-07-17 19:32:55
九天經驗 25% up 及特別地下城出現

2021-07-17 19:33:41
2021-07-17 20:09:10
2021-07-17 20:33:59
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞