The F-35 Has a Touchscreen Problem

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2021-06-12 17:41:39

It has been over a decade since the original iPad was released and soon after the debate began on whether a tablet device could replace a laptop or even PCs in general. Even as recently as late 2018, the question was asked whether a touchscreen would be the new normal—but there are simply times where a touchscreen isn’t as intuitive as having buttons and keys.

The same issues are now being debated when it comes to the controls of modern aircraft, and last month an anonymous F-35 Lightning II pilot weighed in on the controls of the Lockheed Martin-built Joint Strike Fighter for the website Hushkitnet. The touchscreen controls may have streamlined the cockpit of the fifth-generation aircraft, but not always with the best results, the unnamed pilot suggested.

“The cockpit is beautiful to look at—nothing analogue, all digital with about 10 actual switches in the cockpit. Notice I say beautiful to look at, not necessarily beautiful to interact with! In theory the all-glass display is great. It’s [sic] touchscreen, you can set it up to show pretty much anything you want in any layout you want,” the pilot wrote.

The pilot then goes on to describe how the display can be utilized to show the aircraft’s fuel system, and how it can be customized to just what the pilot wants to see. However, using the touchscreen display in the cockpit while flying the advanced aircraft isn’t anywhere near the same as scrolling on a mobile phone or tablet screen while stretched out on the couch.

“The drawback is in the complete lack of tactile response. It can be challenging to press the correct ‘button’ on the display whenever the jet is in motion as it is quite a bumpy ride at times. At present I am pressing the wrong part of the screen about 20% of the time in flight due to either mis-identification, or more commonly by my finger getting jostled around in turbulence or under G. One of the biggest drawbacks is that you can’t brace your hand against anything whilst typing—think how much easier it is to type on a smartphone with your thumbs versus trying to stab at a virtual keyboard on a large tablet with just your index finger.”

For more:
2021-06-13 15:00:55
2021-06-13 15:09:48


仲有如果hang mon,彈app係咪要彈射?
2021-06-13 15:46:35
2021-06-13 16:32:59
2021-06-13 16:47:29
實體掣可以獨立存在,但係 touch screen 就一定要捆綁住一定數量嘅實體掣。
2021-06-13 16:47:32
實體制玩熟左,基本上唔洗點睇,細個用feature phone上堂send sms都係櫃桶底下send
戰機打緊仗個陣會爭好遠 望一望個touchscreen搵制㩒可能要成半秒 半秒死撚左都唔知咩事
2021-06-13 17:08:39
2021-06-13 17:08:45
即係點?個 pilot 喺 cockpit 入面係噉講嘢?飛一轉要講幾多句嘢?講到聲沙,Ai read 唔到噉點算?
2021-06-13 17:24:49

voice input死得仲快
2021-06-13 17:37:24
揸車都唔想要touch screen,何況戰機
2021-06-13 22:07:58
2021-06-13 22:40:12

睇埋 F-15EX 同埋 F/A-18E/F Block III,其實都係大touch screen,實際操作應該唔大問題

2021-06-15 17:02:05
2021-06-18 13:58:10
2021-06-18 14:17:58
巴打揸咩機 F16?
2021-06-18 14:20:23
hey siri, turn on cockpit light.
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ok, turing on cockpit light.
2021-06-18 14:48:44
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞