張六常: ”Intrinsic value 係冇一致嘅定義,而且係一個 vague 嘅 concept ,Present value 就唔同“
Me: 喺Neo classical finance/economics,expected present value of an asset 就係asset 既intrinsic value
1. 呢個 definition 係 under economic framework,大學 year 1 stuff ,同我所講嘅 intrinsic value 唔同,現實 finance 更常見嘅 intrinsic value 係講緊一個數值去判斷 security 是否值得去投資
2. Discounted cash flow models for equity used projected cash flows, not expected cash flows in practice.
所以你用緊個 definition 係牛頭不對馬嘴

大教授暗示咗 projected cash flows = expected cash flows --> output from DCF models = NPV = intrinsic value (as you defined), which is not true in practice.
The valuation result of DCF model is the intrinsic value of the firm (if FCFF is used) or equity (if FCFE is uesd). If the actual price in market =/= the intrinsic value of equity evaluated by DCF model, there is underprice / overprice (market is not fully efficient), you can then buy low sell high. The actions of arbitragers will push back to equilibrium.
In fact, some target prices you saw in research report are evaluated by DCF models. This is true in practice.
However, it doesn't really matter. We are discussing the "formal justification" of DCF model, practical issues are tangential here.