Ashley Young on #mufc protests: “A lot was said about it happening because of the Super League, but I know United fans and that's not just what it was. This is going back years and years with the owners, and the fans want to make their point.“ [Sky]
大衛迪基亞2021-05-05 19:41:48
Young: “Obviously, you don't want to see a protest getting violent, you just want to see a protest where [the owners] are aware and that they understand the anger the fans have got about things that have gone on in the past.” #muzone [Sky]
Young: “United fans have been asking for change for a long while, so maybe we'll see changes, maybe we won't. I think there's a lot of things in football that need to be addressed and that is one of them." #muzone [Sky]
Juan•Mata2021-05-05 19:53:52
Jose Mourinho has long liked Nemanja Matić and Juan Mata. He had them at #mufc and one of the two could find him in Rome. [@Gazzetta_it via @Sport_Witness]
Matic and me
熊餠2021-05-05 19:55:37
Jose likes jessie
大衛迪基亞2021-05-05 19:56:20
🚨 The payment of dividends to the Glazers included a £23m dividend during the pandemic, albeit one signed off on before the UK was plunged into the Covid-19 crisis #mufc #mujournal
[@ben_rumsby / Telegraph]
熊餠2021-05-05 19:56:42
大衛迪基亞2021-05-05 19:56:52
見到話like mata 就知吹水
Donny_VanDe_Beek2021-05-05 19:58:36
牙朗ig story
Donny_VanDe_Beek2021-05-05 19:59:21
S_Kagawa(迷15妹)2021-05-05 20:04:44
祝祝捉住碌竹2021-05-05 20:05:41
陸星材2021-05-05 20:13:04
Ga大勢2021-05-05 20:17:13
大衛迪基亞2021-05-05 20:20:13
肥Y2021-05-05 20:20:14
馬達: 未撚玩啦屌你老母
大衛迪基亞2021-05-05 20:20:40
有鳩之婦2021-05-05 20:23:39
有鳩之婦2021-05-05 20:24:10
M11 G19
肥Y2021-05-05 20:25:47
其實有時見到呢啲真係好撚好笑,費甸擺明一開始已經郁手郁腳搞鳩迪馬, 迪馬去執波佢仲要跟埋去唔知講乜, 好啦迪馬踢佢一下即紅, 嗰下費甸仲要lag 一 lag 機你可想而知有幾大力