[Apple Watch] Clockology 正式上線啦!!! 自己整錶面, 唔係大陸野 (2)

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2021-05-03 18:38:22

Clockology 是來自國外開發者 Andrews 作品,比起靜靜錶盤比較不同是,這款工具完全免費,甚至不需要擔心 App 用到一半可能會被撤銷要再次重新安裝,至於主題則是會有不少用戶釋出免費主題,但主題量與精緻度與 靜靜錶盤 會有非常大差異,優勢是在免費,任何人都可以自訂編輯和下載別人分享主題風格,算是值得一用。

Source from MrMad : https://mrmad.com.tw/clockology

Download : https://apps.apple.com/hk/app/clockology/id1456386228

去除右上角小鐘插件 :

官方 FB Page, 大量錶面都係係度下載來用 :

人地 Share 既錶面 :

有太多 Share 唔晒, 自己去搵啱既用啦!!!
2021-05-03 18:41:41
--- Common Issues Help Guide ---
One Stop Post for all your problems!!!!!
The Sync Button is Missing (I don't know how to transfer the faces to the watch):
I see a strange Enable Full Screen Face on my watch or a black screen with arrows and don't know what to do:
The Sync Process is stopping without the watch face transferring to the watch:
I Cannot install the app on the watch:
Try to install it directly from the watch. If that fails too un-pair and re-pair your watch to the phone and try again.
The watch is returning to Stock Face after awhile when I raise my wrist:
I Cannot Download the watch faces from the links on this group. It says there is an internet connection problem:
Weather is not working for me:
Weather is working only for Clockology plus (paid app).
Weather is a third-party service that charges usage per month and per volume. There is no way for this to be offered on the free version of the app.
Subscribe to Clockology+ by tapping on the Settings Gear icon in the Clockology app on your iPhone, and tapping on Clockology+ to select your plan. After you subscribe, sync any clock to your watch to share the subscription with your Apple Watch. The subscription does not renew automatically and will turn off at the end of the chosen period.
Activity Data is not showing (heart rate, steps, etc):
Clockology needs permissions to access your location for your activity for health data. Please double-check Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Clockology and Settings > Health > Clockology and verify Clockology is allowed to read this data. If these settings are not showing under Privacy please delete and reinstall Clockology and you should be prompted to give access again.
Where do I find more watch faces?:
Use Group Search Button (Top Right Corner) or the Group Album Section.
Why Always On Display (AOD) doesn't work with clockology. I see the default Apple Faces or the blurry screen with the Time on the Top Right Corner:
Always On Display works only with some Apple Stock applications. If you don't like it you can disable AOD from the watch settings menu. How to Manage Always On Display settings: Open the Settings app on your Apple Watch. To do this, press the Digital Crown to see the Home screen, then tap the Settings icon. Tap Display & Brightness. Tap Always On to turn the feature off.
Why the watch faces on my S3 or lower Apple watch don't display full screen on my watch?
What you see is the actual screen size of your watch! Only newer models S4-S5-S6 have larger screens.
Why I cannot swipe between faces on my watch and/or The remove clock button disappeared.
You have to sync more than one face to your watch in order to activate these options.
***Attention-->Make sure when you sync your faces that you have the "Replace Clocks ?" setting to “off” or else only one clock will always be on your watch.
Here is How to Sync several watch faces to your Apple Watch https://youtu.be/_wWb51zP9DQ
2021-05-03 19:02:33
知道近排多人買apple watch
2021-05-03 19:12:51
而家支援到always on未
2021-05-03 19:15:33
2021-05-03 19:42:39
2021-05-03 19:55:01
要press 個頂耐少少
2021-05-03 19:55:47
2021-05-04 04:48:38
唔copy 埋之前有頁FAQ?
2021-05-04 10:54:47
2021-05-04 10:56:47
2021-05-05 14:06:56
2021-05-07 16:21:27
有冇 巴絲打 STEP數無啦啦變左0
2021-05-07 18:54:40
2021-05-09 11:42:42
點解我撳咗同步之後 入面嗰個clockolgy 都係冇嘢
乜嘢遠程 使用標題
2021-05-09 11:50:57
試過好多次 重新開錶都唔得 係咩問題
2021-05-09 12:07:51
Reboot iPhone as well
2021-05-09 14:58:15
Thank you
2021-05-09 21:35:24
2021-05-10 14:15:43

FAQ - 有任何問題請睇咗呢度先再問

Q1. 邊度搵人地既錶面下載 ?
A1. 入 Clockology Official FB Fan Page :
之後去佢地個相簿. 人地 Share 咗條 link 用 Safari 開再下載.

Q2. 點樣收埋右上角個鐘仔 ?
A2. 下載呢個官方提供既插件 :
之後用 Clockology 打開佢 Sync 一次. --> 手錶 & 電話都重新開機 正常就會得咗. 如果 S5 / 往後更新既版本要 熄埋 Always On Function.

Q3. 點解個錶面間唔時會無咗跳返出去 ?
A3. 去電話 Watch App --> 一般 --> 喚醒螢幕 --> 最底個 Option 揀 "2分鐘後" 或者 "1小時後",舊版係"總是"

Q4. Sync 好耐都無反應, 卡住點搞 ?
A4. 如果一次過同步好多個新錶面, 去電話 Watch App --> 一般 --> 喚醒螢幕 --> 第二項轉做 70 秒 等佢唔洗中途熄咗 Mon. 都係再唔得既 錶 & 電話都重新開機啦, 電子產品 99% 既問題都係咁解決.

Q5. iPhone用中文,錶面點出英文?
A5. 去設定 > 一般 > 語言與地區,新增多一個English
返設定 > Clockology > 最底會多咗偏好語言 > 英文

Q6. 點睇通知、control center?
A6. 一樣係向上/下拉,比平時等多0.5秒,震一下就可以拉
2021-05-12 17:05:02
岩岩update左watch os


岩岩整左唔得 仲差D開唔到機
2021-05-12 17:17:28

剷app + reinstall
之後iPhone/ watch都restart
2021-05-12 17:48:34
岩岩見到有beta 2



不過當初買s6 貪佢有always on

用左呢個app 個always on 又好柒,又唔可以用返正常果隻版本

2021-05-12 23:33:13
無計,always on 同呢個apps 對沖咗
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞