
46 回覆
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2021-05-08 21:45:48
can I date you when I'm back in Hong Kong?
2021-05-08 22:10:05
why study HKU master
I wanna chill sin study
2021-05-08 22:37:17
I want to fuck boys like you that's why.
2021-05-08 23:17:54
is taught one year master in marketing this year 2020-2021
mainly online ?
2021-05-08 23:18:22
mostly .. but you can attend live if the class is small
2021-05-08 23:32:04
垃圾留學生 我愛你 希望你係美國搵到eb2 eb3 攞到綠卡 每日為你祈禱 攞到綠卡後記得同我假結婚
2021-05-08 23:55:04
點解你對我咁有耐心 對我咁好
2021-05-09 06:05:58
2021-05-10 05:21:51
Is it hard for 1 year tpg marketing student to get a PHD position in universities in Hong Kong (given her UG background is Business English in a shitty university in China lets say Zhongshan daxue)
2021-05-10 09:15:44
Not if she has good gpa in master
2021-05-10 09:55:02
2021-05-10 09:58:03
no please tell me that she wont. I hate that bitch
2021-05-10 10:08:03
I read the RPG webpage of FBE. Seems that marketing related posts are limited... very few each yr.. don’t think she’s gonna make it. Pray
2021-05-10 12:04:57
1.18-20三年以來 hku phd of marketing 收7個人,其中6個中國人,一個香港人。平均每年收2-3人。
2.其中冇一個人係港大marketing master畢業。
3. 6個中國人背景除一個港大學士背景,其餘5人學士背景都是中國野雞。
4. 每年master of markteing 50名學生,就算從中收2人,考慮到是項目有背景很好之人參與,她也未必能競爭過人。
2021-05-10 12:59:47
更何況 目前為止phd programme未受過一個港大自家tpg marketing嘅畢業生,說50選2都係樂觀估計
2021-05-10 13:24:02
同埋phd收唔收唔係睇research經驗咩?就算master期間一年gpa再高 冇咩好經驗 應該都唔得,當然唔能太低
2021-05-10 14:15:57
Hku master take thoery course 可以上phD
2021-05-10 14:24:39

But only 7 intake in 3 years time... each yr 2-3 intake
many candidates from all over the world
Don't think she's gonna make it.
(BTW the main round application has ended. Didn't see any updates from her Linkedin Profile. May I assume late round chance is slim? https://www.linkedin.com/in/嘉琳-罗-b17844137/detail/contact-info/)
2021-05-10 14:44:12
the main round result has been released last month... If not taken in first round, is the chance for 2nd/3rd round slim?
2021-05-10 15:28:47
answer me my boy
2021-05-10 17:52:01
Real not sure for this year
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