瑞典歌手The Merciful Descendant為香港作歌 惹來網民關注

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2021-04-22 17:24:15
香港近年不斷受到政治打壓,就連瑞典籍的網絡男歌手The Merciful Descendant都對事件表示關於,日前為香港創作新歌《(Hong Kong) Bastion of Light》,並於YouTube及Spotify上推出。

The Merciful Descendant在個人簡介上自稱是唱作歌手,而且更是所有電腦的標籤,表現其多元化和包容性,有網民指他來自瑞典。The Merciful Descendant在兩周前推出特別為香港創作的歌曲《(Hong Kong) Bastion of Light》,惹來不少網民關注,紛紛感謝他對香港的支持,歌曲中一句歌詞「history will remember their fight(歷史將會記得他們的戰鬥),獲網民回應:「香港教育局已正在篡改歷史,在歷史書上將所有對政府的反抗行動寫成顛覆。你的歌曲將會成為其中一個紀錄,讓我們的孩子了解香港由2019年至今所發生的事情。感謝你,對我們非常有意義。」

《(Hong Kong) Bastion of Light》歌詞:

Born out of greed of the west, now failing the test.

Standing up to the beast and on the world it will feast.

Don’t you remember Tiananmen Square, through children, student, parents the bullets teared.

We failed them then and now again. Hong Kong the last bastion has fallen.

Through beatings, prison and pandemic they fought.

For the right to their own mind, will and thought.

One day when it all comes crashing down, history will remember their fight.

Hong Kong the last bastion of light.

You Don’t even have the right to believe, no then you soon may stop to breathe.

killing the Uyghurs for what they hold true, nazi propaganda through and through.

Don’t you remember the camps of the war, starts on their arms that’s what they wore.

We failed them then and now again.

Hong Kong the last bastion has fallen.

Through beatings, prison and pandemic they fought.

For the right to their own mind, will and thought.

One day when it all comes crashing down, history will remember their fight.

Hong Kong the last bastion of light.

No law or threat will make them end.

Their right to freedom they still defend.

Through beatings, prison and pandemic we fight.

It’s our right for our own mind, will and right.

Soon one day when it all comes crashing down, we shall remember this fight.

Hong Kong the last bastion of light.

Hong Kong the last bastion of light.
2021-04-22 17:24:29
follow like CLS 佢
2021-04-22 17:24:58
2021-04-22 17:35:33
nazi propaganda through and through.
話緊你阿柒頭 英文差仲沖出黎柒
2021-04-22 17:35:59
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ok ar
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2021-04-22 19:29:28
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