您好,我是香港中文大學社會學系的美籍教授 Prof. Jacob Thomas (唐龍) (
https://www.soc.cuhk.edu.hk/profile/thomas-jacob/)我正在招募受訪者 。因為你曾經在連登留言分享過你想移民,所以我們想聯絡你做一個有關移民的訪問。 此研究(研究參考編號:SBRE-21-0262)已獲香港中文大學調查及行為研究操守委員會( Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics committee) 批准 。 該研究旨在了解過去四年因香港社會變化而離開香港(以及未離開香港)的人群的特徵及動機;我希望探究自2019年初以來,哪些具體事件影響人們離開香港、移民外地 。因您曾在社交媒體上提及移民,故邀請您參與一次匿名的問卷調查和訪談 。如同意,可在方便時透過Skype、zoom、Facetime等平台進行訪談。為了確保匿名,此次訪問可選擇不打開相機,並且可以使用化名;我收集到的數據會被加密處理且只用於學術研究。如果您有興趣參加問卷調查或訪談,請聯絡我或電郵至j.thomas@cuhk.edu.hk 。若完成問卷調查,您將獲得80港幣的報酬;如參與訪談,您會收到每小時100港幣的採訪津貼。謝謝。
• Hello! I am an American Sociology professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Jacob Thomas (唐龙) (
https://www.soc.cuhk.edu.hk/profile/thomas-jacob/). I am recruiting survey and interview participants for a research study. I reach out to you because you once mentioned something related to migrating from Hong Kong on social media. This study is approved by CUHK’s Survey and Behavioural Research Ethics committee (study reference number SBRE-21-0262). The aim of the project is to better understand the general traits and motives of both the population which has left Hong Kong due to changes in Hong Kong during the past 4 years and the population that has not left Hong Kong. I am particularly interested in what specific events since early 2019 were most important in leading them to think about leaving. I would like you to complete an anonymous and confidential online Qualtrics survey because you once mentioned emigration from Hong Kong on social media. If you consent, I or one of my young, Cantonese Hong Konger research assistants would also like to interview you (camera off and using a pseudonym if you prefer) in Skype, zoom, Facetime or any other platform you prefer, whenever you are free during the coming months. If you have any interest in helping us, do let us know by contacting me or emailing Me at: j.thomas@cuhk.edu.hk . You will be compensated for your time 80 HKD for completing the survey and 100HKD/hour for interviewing. Your data will be de-identified and part of an encrypted population-level data set.