[勁爆] 侵侵驚天大製作,今次我都係無你咁好氣

1001 回覆
12 Like 37 Dislike
2021-03-12 03:05:59
之前巴打話trump trump無殺性。

重點: "shot"
2021-03-12 09:01:30
唔會喇,MJ 個鼻已經整到冇得再整,
2021-03-12 12:38:09
2021-03-12 16:55:51
2021-03-12 16:59:12

呢個post既QR CODE😀🍿千祈唔好周圍貼
2021-03-12 17:07:16
2021-03-12 17:09:37
2021-03-12 17:27:16
2021-03-12 17:30:21
Airdrop 啦,化名Q
2021-03-12 17:31:47
2021-03-12 18:16:16
2021-03-12 19:19:38
樓主入咗幾多oz 銀
2021-03-12 19:28:30
用kg 計🐸
2021-03-12 20:03:25
2021-03-12 20:25:02
2021-03-13 02:07:52
The number one issue right now in people's minds and hearts is the topic of vaccinations. It's because it's a serious health concern. There are theories that here in the Usa Trump switched out the vaccine at the last moment to a placebo. Although possible, nobody can actually confirm this. The problem is being wrong about this is that it has major consequences. What if it's harmful and this was the last nail in the coffin for the pharmaceutical industry? When you listen and pay attention to what Trump actually said and did, it goes counter to him supporting the vaccine. Hcq is what he said from day 1. They mocked him and laughed at him. Furthermore, you have the variable of different manufacturers and different countries. Are they all the same, or are they different. Was there control he had over some manufacturers and not others? There's just too many unknowns here. I believe wholeheartedly Trump wanted you to think for yourselves in this matter. Why would a mass population put anything in their bodies for a flu with a 99.97% survival rate. If it were safe why wouldn't he publicly receive it while at the White House in January? He's sent many messages. It our duty to read between the lines, think critically, and research for ourselves in the end. The decision is only yours. Therefore you are the only one responsible making it.
2021-03-13 02:09:00
2021-03-13 04:42:04
如果有人用d貼紙cover 住佢🤣
2021-03-13 06:06:22

2021-03-13 10:57:04
2021-03-13 11:36:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞