Everyone in the chat is asking what 11.3 signifies. It is from this drop 26. It’s verifies the first marker which was the watch showing 4:49 PM which verified the Declass drop. This marker signifies the start of everything!
喬拜燈2021-01-20 09:09:43
侵撚中共方式係可以,但對國內班swamp 就錯咗
佢功績approval rate 係有目共睹,但對國內好似炒人、fake news 完全唔修飾自己,如果佢交下戲, humble 少少 就唔會anyone but trump
深圳佳兆業2021-01-20 09:10:14
Deep State 你們應當悔改吧!我侵最後審判要來了。
啤酒花2021-01-20 09:11:21
啤酒花2021-01-20 09:12:07
深圳佳兆業2021-01-20 09:13:02
yea, then when it happens you have no time to react.