if a taxpayer in either state of a DTA considers that the actions of the tax authority of their state or the other state or both result in them not being taxed in accordance with the provisions of the DTA, they can formally invoke the Mutual Agreement Procedure ('MAP')
勾勾手蓋手印2020-12-29 13:05:22
仆街 我識50AAN 但你講我先見到呢舊MAP
波波球2020-12-29 13:10:12
淨係溫咗rule 1 rule 2
Lao2020-12-29 13:14:31
打死不離襟兄弟2020-12-29 13:22:14
rule2係講咩 我睇完都唔明有咩用
hahahalomo2020-12-29 13:24:53
但係好似有另外一條past paper個bond premium係要用有做conversion嘅bond price去計
所以我又再計多咗一次bond price with conversion