[Miley Cyrus ALERT] 同好快入!!!

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2017-05-12 01:00:26
11年smiler留名 依家先睇到個popt
2017-05-12 01:24:13
11年smiler留名 依家先睇到個post


I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean
I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand
But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did
'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind

I always thought I would sink, so I never swam
I never went boatin', don't get how they are floatin'
And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is more blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

We watched the sun go down as we were walking
I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking
You would explain the current, as I try to smile
Hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us, just for a while
Do we even exist?
That's when I make the wish
To swim away with the fish

Is it supposed to be this hot all summer long?
I never would've believed you
If three years ago you told me
I'd be here writing this song

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you

We are just like the waves that flow back and forth
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there so save me
And I wanna thank you with all of my heart
It's a brand new start
A dream come true
In Malibu
2017-05-12 01:27:25
11年smiler留名 依家先睇到個post


I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean
I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand
But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did
'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind

I always thought I would sink, so I never swam
I never went boatin', don't get how they are floatin'
And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is more blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

We watched the sun go down as we were walking
I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking
You would explain the current, as I try to smile
Hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us, just for a while
Do we even exist?
That's when I make the wish
To swim away with the fish

Is it supposed to be this hot all summer long?
I never would've believed you
If three years ago you told me
I'd be here writing this song

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you

We are just like the waves that flow back and forth
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there so save me
And I wanna thank you with all of my heart
It's a brand new start
A dream come true
In Malibu

2017-05-12 01:28:44
11年smiler留名 依家先睇到個post


I never came to the beach or stood by the ocean
I never sat by the shore under the sun with my feet in the sand
But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did
'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind

I always thought I would sink, so I never swam
I never went boatin', don't get how they are floatin'
And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is more blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

We watched the sun go down as we were walking
I'd spend the rest of my life just standing here talking
You would explain the current, as I try to smile
Hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us, just for a while
Do we even exist?
That's when I make the wish
To swim away with the fish

Is it supposed to be this hot all summer long?
I never would've believed you
If three years ago you told me
I'd be here writing this song

But here I am
Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you
In Malibu
Next to you

Next to you
The sky is so blue
In Malibu
Next to you

We are just like the waves that flow back and forth
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there so save me
And I wanna thank you with all of my heart
It's a brand new start
A dream come true
In Malibu

2017-05-12 01:54:53

Wrecking ball明明拍到咁型
2017-05-12 07:16:34
2017-05-12 08:38:13
點解冇人講dead pets隻Twinkle Song 成隻碟最鍾意呢首
2017-05-12 08:49:26

Wrecking ball明明拍到咁型

Wrecking ball 個mv真係好型
第日生咗細路 我會播HM俾佢睇
2017-05-12 08:51:46
點解冇人講dead pets隻Twinkle Song 成隻碟最鍾意呢首

2017-05-12 08:55:08
2017-05-12 09:26:56
2017-05-12 09:31:11

勁靚 佢去Radio Disney開咪
2017-05-12 12:39:34
其實我鐘意佢we cant stop時期多d

我呀 好型

率性幾好啊其實 可惜比人鬧太勁

一啲都唔假 不過有時又真係太奔放 啲人接受唔到

2017-05-12 16:03:13

2017-05-12 17:09:31
好想係iTunes 買Malibu做聆聲
2017-05-14 15:03:14
我諗佢可能真係唔會再唱wrecking ball
2017-05-14 15:26:56

《The Last Song》
我超鍾意 《I hope you find it》呢首

Miley係戲入面仲唱咗少少Maroon 5嘅
《She will be loved》
Maroon 5嘅歌我最鍾意呢首
2017-05-14 16:45:06

2017-08-24 22:30:38
入面呼應返以前mv啲位 睇到好感動
2017-08-24 22:37:54
9月29出 仲有一個月多啲喳
2017-08-24 23:19:45
9月29出 仲有一個月多啲喳

2017-08-25 00:08:58
9月29出 仲有一個月多啲喳


本來以為Miley 十一月先會出碟
2017-10-04 00:16:03
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞