搵到英國政府統計數字大家可以睇睇, Average Household Expenditures
according to ONS (Office of National Statistics, 唔係one night stand)
In 2019 the average UK household budget was £2,538 a month (£30,451 a year) based on an average of 2.4 people per household
即係話平均每家庭2.4人, 佢地每月消費2萬5港紙左右.
由此粗粗地推論, 4人既話係3萬-3萬5蚊我覺得又唔出奇
當然大家又可以話果d咩restaurants & hotel, recreation可以 cut晒佢可以慳返, 但想小朋友正常成長 & 唔好好似連登仔成日講怨老豆老母無帶過去呢D地方既話, 我覺得計埋要使呢D野係好合理
而後面都見到, 不同家庭類型既平均消費:
可以見到Family 有小朋友既, 都要3萬3至3萬8左右
Note: To estimated non-housing expenses for a family with children we divided the average household costs by 2.4 and then multiplied by 3, which could reflect a family of 3 or 4 depending on child ages. Ultimately, costs for a family depend on the number and age of the children.
雖然呢個使費見到係同我頭post個數字差不多, 但係呢到已經計左普通人既娛樂消費, 突發開支等, 相信搵到呢個數既稅後收入就都會正正常常咁生活到.