侵侵愈來愈似Dark Knight Batman

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2020-11-07 13:46:12
似Dark Knight batman
人民只係想要睇落形象似聖人既Harvey 拜登,唔要真正幫佢地既Batman

The quote means that Gotham deserves a hero that will fight for the city and do what is right no matter what the personal cost. Someone that will stand up to the city's criminal element without corruption. Batman epitomizes those ideals. He is willing to crawl around rooftops at night fighting crime at the cost of his own health and relationships. However in order to stop crime he breaks a lot of laws. Harvey Dent was supposed to be the guy who could do it all, the one that could stop crime legally without resorting to anything questionable or seedy. That is what Gotham needs, a clean protector, "A White Knight", to show the citizens that the criminal element could be conquered without stooping to the same level. However, as the film showed, when pressed, Harvey wasn't able to live up to that standard. It seems that Batman is as close as anyone will come, but Harvey had already proven himself to the public, so the image of what everyone thought Harvey was is what Gotham "needs right now"
這句話的意思是哥譚應該得到一個英雄,他會為這座城市而戰,無論個人付出什麼代價,他都會做對的事情。 能夠在不腐敗的情況下抵制城市犯罪分子的人。 蝙蝠俠就是這些理想的縮影。 他願意在夜間打擊犯罪時以自己的健康和人際關係為代價在屋頂上爬行。 但是,為了製止犯罪,他違反了許多法律。 哈維·登特(Harvey Dent)可以做到這一點,可以合法地制止犯罪,而不必訴諸任何可疑或骯髒的事情。 這就是哥譚所需要的,一個乾淨的保護者“白騎士”,向市民表明,犯罪分子可以被征服而不會彎腰。 但是,正如電影所顯示的那樣,當按下時,哈維無法達到這個標準。 蝙蝠俠似乎與任何人都將近,但是哈維已經向公眾證明了自己,所以每個人都認為哈維的形象就是哥譚現在“需要的”形象。
2020-11-07 13:48:07
2020-11-07 13:48:48
2020-11-07 13:50:23

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me."
2020-11-07 13:50:41
2020-11-07 13:52:38
You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me.
2020-11-07 13:52:58
Why do we fall?
2020-11-07 13:57:03

2020-11-07 13:57:33

Not the president we deserved
But the president we need
2020-11-07 13:58:47
Because he's the hero that America deserves, but not that it needs right now. So we will hunt him. Beacuase he can take it. Because he is not a hero. He is a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A DARK KNIGHT.
2020-11-07 13:59:35
日頭總統 夜晚玩幻幻
2020-11-07 14:02:27
Because he's the hero America deserves, but not the one it needs right now.
2020-11-07 14:05:25
2020-11-07 14:08:36
2020-11-07 14:16:33
2020-11-07 20:16:44
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