BNO 5+1入籍增要求 或需考英文同Life in UK試

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2020-10-23 00:33:08
2020-10-23 00:33:08
你個degree係英國U頒嘅話 應該合條件喎

If your degree was taught or researched in English

You can prove your knowledge of English by having a degree that was taught or researched in English.

If your degree is from a UK university, you only need your degree certificate.

If your degree is not from a UK university you’ll need:

a copy of your degree certificate
an Academic Qualification Level Statement (AQUALS) from UK NARIC confirming the degree is equivalent to a UK qualification.

If your degree is from a non-majority English-speaking country you’ll also need an English Language Proficiency Statement (ELPS) from UK NARIC confirming the degree was taught in English.
2020-10-23 00:34:01
有案底冇得申請, 暴動手足變左 condom
2020-10-23 00:34:03
我嗰個係bachelor top up degree嚟㗎喎, 如果真係得嘅, 啲人 以前成日笑鳩啲top up
2020-10-23 00:35:25
英國果d top up?
2020-10-23 00:35:33
如果英國政府唔認英國大學頒授嘅top-up degree都幾尷尬
2020-10-23 00:36:33
我張computer Science bachelor degree就係英國嘅queen mary正式單出嚟 , 咁今次真係神推鬼擁
2020-10-23 00:36:50
係…但呢d係香港讀既英國top up
2020-10-23 00:36:55
2020-10-23 00:37:08
edinburgh napier, sheffield Hallam, oxford brookes
2020-10-23 00:37:34
2020-10-23 00:38:19
嗰陣時我去讀呢個英國top up仲畀人笑鳩我
2020-10-23 00:39:22

2020-10-23 00:39:27
2020-10-23 00:40:04
咩vtc x northumbria/ cityu scope x coventry嗰啲應該問題不大
2020-10-23 00:40:13
2020-10-23 00:40:59
嗰陣時2007年攞嘅, 估唔到去到今日咁有用, 人生真係痴撚線, 樣樣嘢都是命中註定, 不過要考英文都冇所謂嘅照去馬
2020-10-23 00:41:10
2020-10-23 00:41:35
2020-10-23 00:41:42
2020-10-23 00:42:27
ILR 一直都要English test/ degree cert + life in the Uk test la
2020-10-23 00:42:30
讀cityu scope 駁 coventry嗰啲直頭攞到直通入場券
2020-10-23 00:46:18
我個垃圾3rd hon degree同專業資格既pro dip 咪又係,當年唔讀就有首期買樓,窮到燶問frd借錢讀書,十幾年後借錢俾我個frd就到佢窮到問我借+要打我工
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞