最近試用pure λ Calculus喺Haskell度砌啲基本嘢...

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2017-04-20 19:22:45
1. 用Church numerals砌natural numbers
Zero = λ s z . z
One = λ s z . s z
Two = λ s z . s (s z)
Three = λ s z . s (s (s z))
(where s = successor, z = zero)

2. 跟住砌埋arithmetic add operator e.g add x and y
add = λ s z x y . x s (y s z)

3. 然後用Church Boolean砌logical and/or/not operators
TRUE = λ t f . t
FALSE = λ t f . f

And = λ x y . x y FALSE
Or = λ x y. x TRUE y
Not = λ x . x FALSE TRUE

Conclusion: 阿Church真係CLS, 簡真天才嚟, 佢點諗到架?!!!

(BTW, 學λ Calculus基本上只需要明白α-conversion(用嚟avoid namespace collision between different functions)同β-reduction(用嚟do computation)呢兩個簡單operations,加上知道下lazy evaluation係左去右(唔同平時見慣嘅右去左eager evaluation)就OK了, 唔算好複雜, 比mathematical Differential Calculus淺好多好多! )
2017-04-21 00:17:35
順便求C4F指點下點樣係Haskell度implement Y/fix combinator?
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
Y = λ f . ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))

Yf produces fYf produces f(fYf) produces f(f(fYf)) ... as recursion

我見stackoverflow話Y唔屬於Haskell built-in 嘅任何一個type, 就咁define Y 去 implement會出error, 咁應該點做呢? 可否用factorial做example教下點implement Y combinator?

Thanks in advance!
2017-04-21 00:37:43
2017-04-21 00:57:16
順便求C4F指點下點樣係Haskell度implement Y/fix combinator?
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
Y = λ f . ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))

Yf produces fYf produces f(fYf) produces f(f(fYf)) ... as recursion

我見stackoverflow話Y唔屬於Haskell built-in 嘅任何一個type, 就咁define Y 去 implement會出error, 咁應該點做呢? 可否用factorial做example教下點implement Y combinator?

Thanks in advance!

1) Y combinator defined:
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
2) Application of Y combinator on function f:
Y f = ( λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))) f
3) β-reduction:
Y f = ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))
4) β-reduction again:
Y f = f ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))
5) As shown in step 3 above, Y f = ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x)), so:
Y f = f Y f
2017-04-21 01:04:18

各大definitions(i.e. Church numerals, Church booleans, add, and/or/not, Y combinator, etc.)係Alonzo Church呢位天才諗出嚟, 我都只係抄出嚟放落Haskell用咁啫, 唔明我都冇辦法!
2017-04-21 02:01:15
順便求C4F指點下點樣係Haskell度implement Y/fix combinator?
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
Y = λ f . ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))

Yf produces fYf produces f(fYf) produces f(f(fYf)) ... as recursion

我見stackoverflow話Y唔屬於Haskell built-in 嘅任何一個type, 就咁define Y 去 implement會出error, 咁應該點做呢? 可否用factorial做example教下點implement Y combinator?

Thanks in advance!

純lambda calculus係唔type嘅。Haskell有type system限制(Hindley Milner type system唔能夠代表到y combinator嘅type),唔可以寫到純lambda calculus嘅y combinator。


Haskell嘅fixed point operator叫fix

GHCi, version 7.6.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import Data.Function
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
Prelude Data.Function> let fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix fact
fix fact :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> a
Prelude Data.Function> fix fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (fix fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function> let y f = f (y f) -- not really the y combinator
Prelude Data.Function> :type y
y :: (t -> t) -> t
Prelude Data.Function> y fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (y fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function>

我以前響高登講過點用lisp寫y combinator。不過因為strict evaluation關係,同pure lambda calculus都係有dd分別。

2017-04-21 02:27:08
順便求C4F指點下點樣係Haskell度implement Y/fix combinator?
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
Y = λ f . ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))

Yf produces fYf produces f(fYf) produces f(f(fYf)) ... as recursion

我見stackoverflow話Y唔屬於Haskell built-in 嘅任何一個type, 就咁define Y 去 implement會出error, 咁應該點做呢? 可否用factorial做example教下點implement Y combinator?

Thanks in advance!

純lambda calculus係唔type嘅。Haskell有type system限制(Hindley Milner type system唔能夠代表到y combinator嘅type),唔可以寫到純lambda calculus嘅y combinator。


Haskell嘅fixed point operator叫fix

GHCi, version 7.6.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import Data.Function
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
Prelude Data.Function> let fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix fact
fix fact :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> a
Prelude Data.Function> fix fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (fix fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function> let y f = f (y f) -- not really the y combinator
Prelude Data.Function> :type y
y :: (t -> t) -> t
Prelude Data.Function> y fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (y fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function>

我以前響高登講過點用lisp寫y combinator。不過因為strict evaluation關係,同pure lambda calculus都係有dd分別。


明白哂, 咁即係Haskell冇純Y combinator嗰隻type, 唯有用番Data.Function library裏面個fix operator嚟攪, 或者偷雞用let y f = f (y f) 算數, 總之就冇得自己define個真真正正嘅Y combinator啦!
2017-04-21 02:45:05
順便求C4F指點下點樣係Haskell度implement Y/fix combinator?
Y = λ y . ( λ x . y (x x)) ( λ x . y (x x))
Y = λ f . ( λ x . f (x x)) ( λ x . f (x x))

Yf produces fYf produces f(fYf) produces f(f(fYf)) ... as recursion

我見stackoverflow話Y唔屬於Haskell built-in 嘅任何一個type, 就咁define Y 去 implement會出error, 咁應該點做呢? 可否用factorial做example教下點implement Y combinator?

Thanks in advance!

純lambda calculus係唔type嘅。Haskell有type system限制(Hindley Milner type system唔能夠代表到y combinator嘅type),唔可以寫到純lambda calculus嘅y combinator。


Haskell嘅fixed point operator叫fix

GHCi, version 7.6.3: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> import Data.Function
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
Prelude Data.Function> let fact f n = if n == 0 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
Prelude Data.Function> :t fix fact
fix fact :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> a
Prelude Data.Function> fix fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (fix fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function> let y f = f (y f) -- not really the y combinator
Prelude Data.Function> :type y
y :: (t -> t) -> t
Prelude Data.Function> y fact 5
Prelude Data.Function> map (y fact) [0..10]
Prelude Data.Function>

我以前響高登講過點用lisp寫y combinator。不過因為strict evaluation關係,同pure lambda calculus都係有dd分別。


明白哂, 咁即係Haskell冇純Y combinator嗰隻type, 唯有用番Data.Function library裏面個fix operator嚟攪, 或者偷雞用let y f = f (y f) 算數, 總之就冇得自己define個真真正正嘅Y combinator啦!

I think fix is defined as fix f = f (fix f) in the library. This is purely Haskell magic that you can defined a fixed point operator so easily.
2017-04-21 04:54:42

lambda calculus係一個電腦嘅數學模型以數學嘅函數(function)做基礎,另一個電腦嘅數學模型係Turing machine。建立數學模型其中目的係決定有乜嘢係電腦可以解決嘅問題。

lambda calculus睇嚟好簡單但已經可以解決任何目前任何電腦可以解決嘅問題,但解決方法可以好低效率。整數運算係一個常見嘅問題,一般電腦可以做,咁用lambda calculus點做呢?首先我地要以lambda calculus嚟表達數目。Church numerals就係一種用lambda expression encode正整數嘅方法。因為lambda calculus裡面除function外乜都無,我地就用function嘅特性嚟代表數目。

function composition:

apply = λ f . (λ x . f x)

apply 係一個function,如果你俾一個function f,apply會俾返另一個function去call f。因為lambda calculus乜Q都係function,所以所以function都係high order。

apply-2 = λ f . (λ x . f (f x))

apply-2 係一個function,如果你俾一個function f,apply-2會俾返另一個function去連續call f兩次。呢個有叫function composition。

apply-3 = λ f . (λ x . (f (f (f x))))

apply-3 係一個function,如果你俾一個function f,apply-3會俾返另一個function去call f 三次。

於此類推apply-n 係一個function,如果你俾一個function f,apply-n會俾返另一個function去call f n次。Church encoding就係用apply-n去代表正整數n

;; identity function.

id = λ x . x

;; if you compose a function zero time, you are not calling it.
0 = λ f . id
1 = λ f . (λ x . f x)
2 = λ f . (λ x . f (f x))
3 = λ f . (λ x . f (f (f x)))
4 = λ f . (λ x . f (f (f (f x))))
2017-04-21 05:25:49


succ = λ n . (λ f . (λ x . (f ((n f) x))))

因為 (n f) x = f(f(f(... f x),compose f 次。所以 (f ((n f) x))就係將f compose n+1次


3 + 2 = (1 + (1 + (1 + 2)))
= succ(succ(succ(2))

add = λ m . (λ n . ((m succ) n))
2017-04-21 10:19:38
上次C4F巴打講完, 我都去刨左果篇PAPER, 諗法幾得意
2017-04-21 12:14:37
我地可以當Church numerals係一般數目,咁乘法可以咁做:

2 * 3 = (((0 + 2) + 2) + 2)

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (n (λ x . ((add m) x))) 0))

但如果考慮埋Church numeral同function composition嘅關係,可以聰明D:

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (λ f . (m (n f)))))
2017-04-21 12:38:06
上次C4F巴打講完, 我都去刨左果篇PAPER, 諗法幾得意

You can read a whole book on this for free made available by its author:

2017-04-21 16:22:07

建議你裝Haskell嚟試學functional programming, 習慣咗個syntax後先睇番Lambda Calculus, 咁你會明白好多!

P.S. 過來人經驗之談!
2017-04-21 17:19:50
我地可以當Church numerals係一般數目,咁乘法可以咁做:

2 * 3 = (((0 + 2) + 2) + 2)

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (n (λ x . ((add m) x))) 0))

但如果考慮埋Church numeral同function composition嘅關係,可以聰明D:

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (λ f . (m (n f)))))

順手砌埋arithmetic mul operator e.g. multiply x and y

mul = λ x y s . x (y s)

2017-04-21 20:55:56
我地可以當Church numerals係一般數目,咁乘法可以咁做:

2 * 3 = (((0 + 2) + 2) + 2)

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (n (λ x . ((add m) x))) 0))

但如果考慮埋Church numeral同function composition嘅關係,可以聰明D:

mul = (λ m . (λ n . (λ f . (m (n f)))))

順手砌埋arithmetic mul operator e.g. multiply x and y

mul = λ x y s . x (y s)

上面嗰個有點兒簡化咗, 改成下面咁樣會好啲

mul = λ x y s z . x (y s) z

2017-04-21 23:59:29
2017-04-22 02:09:58

睇完呢篇嘢http://gettingsharper.de/2012/08/30/lambda-calculus-subtraction-is-hard/放棄咗! 雖然Church encoding話subtraction只是咁樣: sub = λ x y . y pred x , 但我唔太理解個pred點整出嚟, 就算整到個pred出嚟, 個sub都唔係真subtraction嚟, 篇嘢有講原因!

In short, it's not too meaningful to implement a subtraction operator in terms of plain λ calculus, 好似係!
2017-04-22 07:49:57

睇完呢篇嘢http://gettingsharper.de/2012/08/30/lambda-calculus-subtraction-is-hard/放棄咗! 雖然Church encoding話subtraction只是咁樣: sub = λ x y . y pred x , 但我唔太理解個pred點整出嚟, 就算整到個pred出嚟, 個sub都唔係真subtraction嚟, 篇嘢有講原因!

In short, it's not too meaningful to implement a subtraction operator in terms of plain λ calculus, 好似係!

其實唔難。Church numerals只可以代表自然數。3 - 5 係無辦法減到。但你可以用sign and magnitude代表整數,用一個boolean加一個Church numeral。


-- this is Haskell, not λ calculus
natsub m n = if m >= n then m - n else 0


sub m n = if natsub m n >= 0 then natsub m n else -(natsub n m)


響 λ calculus,natsub可以咁定義:

natsub = λ m . λ n . n pred m

pred係predecessor,之前一個數。因為0無predecessor,我地定pred 0 做 0

要定義pred,我地可以用record type幫手。
2017-04-22 08:07:34

-- form an ordered pair
pair = λ x . λ y . λ f . f x y

e.g. pair 0 3 = λ f . f 0 3

-- read first and second elements of a pair
fst = λ p . p true
snd = λ p . p false

true = λ t . λ f . t
false = λ t . λ f . f


-- (x, _) -> (succ x, x). The second element always lag behind the first if
-- pre_step called more than 0 times.
pred_step = λ p . pair (succ (fst p)) (fst p)

pred = λ n . snd (n pred_step (pair 0 0))
2017-04-22 09:30:59

睇完呢篇嘢http://gettingsharper.de/2012/08/30/lambda-calculus-subtraction-is-hard/放棄咗! 雖然Church encoding話subtraction只是咁樣: sub = λ x y . y pred x , 但我唔太理解個pred點整出嚟, 就算整到個pred出嚟, 個sub都唔係真subtraction嚟, 篇嘢有講原因!

In short, it's not too meaningful to implement a subtraction operator in terms of plain λ calculus, 好似係!

2017-04-22 09:39:40
有啲似睇緊abstract algebra啲嘢
2017-04-22 16:28:46

睇完呢篇嘢http://gettingsharper.de/2012/08/30/lambda-calculus-subtraction-is-hard/放棄咗! 雖然Church encoding話subtraction只是咁樣: sub = λ x y . y pred x , 但我唔太理解個pred點整出嚟, 就算整到個pred出嚟, 個sub都唔係真subtraction嚟, 篇嘢有講原因!

In short, it's not too meaningful to implement a subtraction operator in terms of plain λ calculus, 好似係!


但我lap一lap你整pred嗰啲steps, 好似仲易明過呢篇嘢喎, 正!
2017-04-22 16:36:39
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞