邊度講? email淨係見到face to face 要mark 位 + mark attendance 留紀錄.
Captopril2020-06-19 20:47:38
隱藏性gay因2020-06-19 20:48:26
下晝有email話 ...join the session using your own devices
挪威森林喵2020-06-19 20:49:29
挪威森林喵2020-06-19 20:50:36
Captopril2020-06-19 20:56:23
....teachers will be at the lectern. Teachers will interact with those who are present in the classroom during breaks, or if situation permits, throughout the session.
上緊堂期間: 老師應該會坐係lecture hall 電腦面前講書? 就算你係lecture hall 入面都要用chat room 問問題?
Break / 落堂: 可以當面搵老師?
隱藏性gay因2020-06-19 21:02:00
Captopril2020-06-19 21:03:14
Captopril2020-06-19 21:07:35
入面既 "practice guideline"入面講叫你上堂期間要mute mic 同埋帶headset. 咁樣應該就冇回音?