Here is a portion of the president’s remarks Saturday:
“The death of George Floyd on the streets of Minneapolis was a grave tragedy. It should never have happened. It has filled Americans all over the country with horror, anger and grief.
“Yesterday, I spoke to George’s family and expressed the sorrow of our entire nation for their loss. I stand before you as a friend and ally to every American seeking justice and peace. And I stand before you in firm opposition to anyone exploiting this tragedy to loot, rob, attack and menace. Healing, not hatred; justice, not chaos are the mission at hand.
“The police officers involved in this incident have been fired from their jobs. One officer has already been arrested and charged with murder. State and federal authorities are carrying out an investigation to see what further charges may be warranted, including against, sadly, the other three.
“In addition, my administration has opened a civil rights investigation, and I have asked the attorney general and the Justice Department to expedite it.
“I understand the pain that people are feeling. We support the right of peaceful protesters, and we hear their pleas. But what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace.
“The memory of George Floyd is being dishonored by rioters, looters and anarchists. The violence and vandalism is being led by Antifa and other radical left-wing groups who are terrorizing the innocent, destroying jobs, hurting businesses and burning down buildings.
“The main victims of this horrible, horrible situation are the citizens who live in these once lovely communities. The mobs are devastating the life’s work of good people and destroying their dreams. Right now, America needs creation, not destruction; cooperation, not contempt; security, not anarchy.
“And there will be no anarchy. Civilization must be cherished, defended, and protected. The voices of law-abiding citizens must be heard, and heard very loudly.
“We cannot and must not allow a small group of criminals and vandals to wreck our cities and lay waste to our communities. We must defend the rights of every citizen to live without violence, prejudice or fear.
“It does not serve the interests of justice or any citizen of any race, color, or creed for the government to give into anarchy, abandon police precincts, or allow communities to be burned to the ground. It won’t happen.
“Those making excuses or justifications for violence are not helping the downtrodden, but delivering new anguish and new pain.”
拿拿臨念肥賓2020-06-03 18:35:46
而家 NY 叫緊佢 resign
但科莫又唔出 national guard
NYPD 工會屌鳩話佢地搞唔掂
Anti_支納綷2020-06-03 18:37:02
咩膚色既人擺國歌個陣單腳跪,我諗trump都會叫佢son of the bitch, 純粹係因為trump好愛國
Anti_支納綷2020-06-03 18:37:37
費格遜2020-06-03 18:38:17
其實呢,呢度d local news local radio station就個個都有鬧嘅,鬧州長鬧總統乜都有
但係就算Fox呢d都係輕輕咁鬧吓state governor(最少加州同Illinois係,我有睇Bay Area/Chicago嗰d台),因為大部份人都係覺得呢次係national crisis
呢單嘢而家係講緊廿幾個州嘅大部份大城市curfew,有常識嘅人都覺得美國總統要step up做d嘢,講緊multiple states呀,做乜都好做d嘢唔該,跟住state governor先去follow
我唔知係陰謀論定點,我仲未喺mainstream media聽過呢鑊有分藍州紅州,藍州多大城市就係人都知,而暴動唔喺大城市唔通喺郊野公園?
同乜China Joe呢個term一樣,呢d係只有lihkg講最多,講一百次就變咗真話咁