Please be advised that your cash account has incurred a Second "Good Faith Strike".
Cash accounts follow T+2 trading rules in which every equity stock trade settles in 2 business days. A "Good Faith Strike" occurs when purchasing securities using unsettled funds is followed by selling those securities prior to the 2nd business day, or the settlement date of the fund used for the original purchase.
"Good Faith Strike" is recorded and remains on record for 12 months. An accumulation of 4 "Good Faith Strikes" in any 12-months period will result in your account being restricted for 90 calendar days to "cash-on-hand" trading, where only settled funds can be used for purchases. An accumulation of 5 "Good Faith Strikes" in any 12-months period will result in your account being restricted for 90 calendar days during which no purchases is allowed.
You may also consider applying for margin privileges (subject for approval).
We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.