啲system 年年都轉無得搞
我果科都叫2academic years
沙比阿朗掃蕩中場2020-05-23 08:23:23
睇到加拿大個邊 每2個星會issue 下d invitation 比高分個d人入
舉個例佢呢個月issue 4000 invitations
咁如果佢個federal skills worker cutoff係 475分
但係 >475分 ge人數係當有10000人咁樣
但佢invitations 得4000個 咁d invitation 會點分?
木林森2020-05-23 08:23:30
Note: If the officer notes that the duration of studies was shorter than the duration of the program, as indicated in the letter confirming the completion of the program of study, and the program was not completed in an accelerated form, the post‑graduation work permit may be issued in accordance with the duration of studies. For example, if the applicant undertook classes for a period of 12 months, not in an accelerated form, but their degree notes that it is a 2‑year degree, the post-graduation work permit may be issued for 12 months, in accordance with the duration of their studies.