What you need to do
Before we can work on your application, you need to:
1. Ask someone to confirm your identity
They can do this online. You need to sign into your application to check who can do this and provide their details.
2. Get your documents ready
We can't receive your documents until your identity is confirmed. Once this is done, we'll let you know the address to send your documents to. Sign in to check what you'll need to send.
Chelsea_bb2020-05-22 13:37:30
Chelsea_bb2020-05-22 13:39:20
想請教下BNO係唔係符合佢UK passport既要求?
To confirm someone’s identity online, you need to:
be 18 or older
and live in the UK
and have a current UK passport
and work in or be retired from a recognised profession
assurance agent of a recognised company
teacher or lecturer
原由柏実2020-05-25 14:24:12
乳神同淫2020-05-25 14:28:06
你要搵一個住喺英國嘅人先可以幫你online confirm架
原由柏実2020-05-25 14:55:26
好似可輸入個email 就ok
中山大笨象2020-05-25 14:57:49
pandadada2020-05-25 15:01:41
If you’re applying in the UK
Your countersignatory must:
live in the UK
have a current British or Irish passport
If you’re applying outside the UK
Your countersignatory must have a current British, Irish or other EU, US or Commonwealth passport.
If they have a US, Commonwealth, or non-British or non-Irish EU passport, you must include with your application a colour photocopy of the page with their photograph on it.
Your application will be processed faster if they have a British or Irish passport.