有個喺香港住嘅鬼佬整咗個campaign #WearAFuckingMask

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2020-03-16 18:58:31
You can be Fucking infected with no Fucking symptoms and still spread the Fucking virus.

2020-03-16 19:05:39
Fucking Right!
2020-03-16 19:06:52
2020-03-16 19:16:43
而家就話要fucking wear a mask
2020-03-16 19:19:04
The turning point for me was in February 2020 when I was on a Fucking flight from Hong Kong to Hanoi. Everyone on the Fucking flight, except for the row of people ahead and behind me, was wearing a Fucking mask.

The people behind me were Fucking coughing and Fucking sneezing. I could Fucking feel their Fucking droplet projectiles flying by my Fucking bald head. It was Fucking not cool. I wish they had worn Fucking masks.

I want to put an end to the Fucking stereotype that only people in Asia can wear masks in public. We all can get Fucking infected by SARS-CoV-19 and we all can Fucking infect others. Let『s all #WearAFuckingMask.
2020-03-16 19:23:37
2020-03-16 19:24:25
Lau the fucking ming
2020-03-16 19:25:18
Fucking share this fucking website and please fucking wear a fucking mask you fucking people
2020-03-16 19:26:01
2020-03-16 19:32:10
2020-03-16 19:35:52
2020-03-16 19:46:46
2020-03-16 19:46:57
Fucking push
2020-03-16 19:48:06
推上Twitter 呀
2020-03-16 19:48:48
2020-03-16 19:51:45
Fucking push
2020-03-16 19:52:48
2020-03-16 19:53:26
fucking 無錢wear it
2020-03-16 19:54:03
Sd埋K kwong 口罩教學比佢地啦
2020-03-16 19:57:10
2020-03-16 20:00:02
搵人轉發俾 Samuel Jackson ,要佢照讀一次…應該最有神粹…
2020-03-16 20:00:40
Donald fucking trump don’t fucking trust fucking China fucks, fucking China is a fucking assfuck hole, fuck!
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