Let S = {0, 1, 1/2, ...}, (0, 1]\S同[0, 1]\S有咩bijection?
淨低既只要諗到S同S\{0}有咩bijection就problem solved
In general, 諗下點解任何兩個countably infinite sets都有bijection
混醬多莉亞2020-03-21 23:11:20
科大物理系2020-03-21 23:12:31
混醬多莉亞2020-03-21 23:15:36
MAEC大師兄2020-03-21 23:21:16
17292020-03-21 23:24:02
俾d信心check一check definition
identity Id: A \to A係咪both injective and surjective?
injectivity: Let a, b in A. a =/= b im唔imply Id(a) =\= Id(b)?
surjectivity: 係咪for all y in A, there exists x in A such that Id(x) = y?