"The TTS additional horsepower is accomplished by more than just a tune. There are significant engine-internal component upgrades and supporting intercooler, etc. Also the TTS has a magnetic-fluid damper suspension system.
But it's fair to say that a tuned TT would be very spirited, if not exactly comparable. So the good news is that you can't lose with either model. Enjoy your further research and ultimate acquisition."
G觸者頻亦樂2021-01-25 14:30:02
Tiguan 280 同Q3 35一樣用EA211 Evo 加濕7
呼統2021-01-25 16:34:14
雲佩絲2021-01-25 16:44:30
想問吓咁多位14年嘅s3 sedan多唔多獲氣
fatboyeatallday2021-01-25 18:06:04
留意吓 Haldex Quattro 有冇壞,試車嗰陣睇吓俾唔俾你試 launch control,一launch就打滑即係haldex有問題,波箱濕6就冇乜嘢嘅算係襟用。EA888 gen 3 已經冇乜漏油問題,預返少少錢換水路嘢就得,通病嚟,要整唔貴。