在滿月繁星之夜, 他騎白馬離開了, 別了妻兒
At the age of 29, the bodhisattva realized that, "The heart is in the nature of happiness and what must be extinguished is the fire of lust, hatred and delusion. Only through that can the heart be truly happy. On this very day, I must renounce the household-life, retire from the world, become a monk and seek after the True Happiness." He gave up the luxurious palace life and departed from his wife and other loved ones. One night, when all his attendants were asleep, the Bodhisattva thought that he should leave the palace. Thus, he called to Dunpa, saying: Awaken, and quickly fetch my magical steed Ngakden. I intend to search for the garden of hardships visited by previous Buddhas seeking Enlightenment. I know that this will please all the sages. Dunpa replied: This is not the hour to go to the garden. No one holds malice toward you here; you have no enemies, so why do you need a horse at midnight? The Prince replied: Dunpa, you have never disobeyed me, so do not do so now as we prepare to separate. At last Dunpa brought the horse, but the horse would not allow the Prince to mount him. The Prince told him: Ngakden, this is the last time that you will carry me. So take me without delay to the garden of hardships. After achieving Enlightenment, I will quickly fulfill the needs of all sentient beings through the rain of samadhi. As his father lay sleeping, Bodhisattva circumambulated him and rode off in the night saying: Until I achieve the supreme path of all the Buddhas, I will not return to this city of Kapilavastu.
At dawn, Prince Siddhartha and the charioteerride the horse Kanthaka, leave the city ofKapilvastu, cross the Anoma river and start a homeless life. Mounted on his horse and accompanied by his charioteer Dunpa, he passed out of the city gate, an angel opening the gate. Mara, the Evil One offered him Universal Sovereignty if he would abandon his purpose, but the Future Buddha rebuked the temptation and passed on. But the Evil One ever followed him, watching his opportunity. The future Buddha proceeded to the river Anoma, where he received the Eight Requistes of a monk from an angel.
Within two sessions (half a day), he discovered a distance which normally takes twelve days. alighting from his horse, he removed his ornaments, gave them to Dunpa and dismissed him and Ngakden. But Dunpa objected: "It is not right that you should remain alone." The Prince replied: All beings come into this world alone; likewise do they die. During this life, they also suffer alone. There are no friends in samsara.
Cutting off his hair, shaving off his beard, the prince instructs Dunpa to return to the palace with his garments, ornaments and preciouss word.He cut his hair in front of the fully pure stupa, and gave it to Dunpa.