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2020-01-20 17:03:02
2020-01-20 17:04:17
2020-01-20 17:28:18
2020-01-20 17:34:08
Dear Sirs,

I refer to the Notice on Application for Renewal of Liquor Licence by Mr. Ng Ho Chuen of Starbucks Coffee dated 18th January 2020. By the said notice, it appears that Mr. Ng is applying to the Liquor Licensing Board in respect of Starbucks Coffee situated at Shop 201, 2/F, Alexandra House, 16-20 Charter Road, Central, Hong Kong (“the Premise”).

Due to the non-compliance of Licensing Conditions for Liquor Licence, I write to formally object Mr. Ng's application.

Pursuant to Part A (10) of “A Guide to Application for Liquor Licences and Club Liquor Licences” issued by the Board, “a liquor licensee is required to ensure that all liquor regulations and licensing conditions are strictly and fully complied with in the licensed premises”.
It is observed that the Mr. Ng as the liquor licensee of the of the Premise failed to comply with the licensing conditions (“the Conditions”)as set out in Annex V of the same guide, a copy of the same is enclosed herewith for your easy reference.


a. Failure to comply with Clause 1 of the Conditions
Clause 1 of the Conditions states that “No disorder shall be permitted on the premises”. Upon various inspection of the Premise. It is noted that Mr. Ng and/or his agent failed to take any reasonable control over the premise. In fact, upon entry of the Premise, Mr. Ng and/or his agent does not even observe the conditions of the Premise as to any the occurrence of any form of disorder.

It is further submitted to the Board that one could easily observe disorder (in a general interpretation) in the said Premise, toddlers running around without parent’s supervision, groups of people gathering without consumption of any of Starbucks Coffee’s product. These are just a limited example of Mr. Ng and/or his agent’s failure to take reasonable control over the Premise to avoid any disorder.

b. Failure to comply with Clause 2 of the Conditions
Clause 2 of the Conditions stated that “No person shall be allowed to become drunk on the premises, nor shall liquor be supplied to any person who is drunk.”
As stated above, Mr. Ng and/or his agent’s failure to control the Premise is not only limited to their failure to disallow disorder on the Premise but also extend to allow persons to become drunk on the Premise.
Mr. Ng and/or his agent failed to take any control over who can enter the Premise, it should be noted to the Board that the Starbucks Coffee located at the Premise is a self-service coffee shop.

By the very nature of this self-service model, Mr. Ng and/or his agent omitted any control over the Premise and have taken no steps to prevent liquor being supplied to any person is/appeared to be drunk.

It had even been observed that various drunken persons (uncertain of whether by liquor supplied by Mr. Ng) frequently occupied the Premise for unknown reasons.

It is submitted to the Board by failing to manage the Premise properly, Mr. Ng and/or his agent have failed to comply with clause 2 of the Licensing Conditions.

c. Failure to comply with Clause 3 of the Conditions
Clause 3 of the Conditions stated that “no game of chance shall be played on the premises”.
Further to the submission above, it is submitted that various games involving chance have been played in the Premise. Mr. Ng and/or his agent seem to ignore/fail to take any steps to prohibit games of chance from occurring on the premises.
Mr. Ng’s reluctance/ignorance/failure to take proper control of the Premise render its failure to comply strictly with the clause 3 of the condition.
2020-01-20 17:34:26
d. Failure to comply with Clause 4 of the Conditions
Clause 4 of the Conditions stated that “The licensee shall personally supervise the premise.” It is unknown whether Mr. Ng himself had supervise the Premise personally.

The strict interpretation of the licensing condition renders the duty to supervise the Premise a non-delegable duty. Kindly seek Mr. Ng to affirm that he personally supervises the Premise throughout all opening hours of the Premise.

It is submitted that should he fall short of the same, the license ought not to be renewed for Mr. Ng.

e. Failure to comply with Clause 7, 8 & 9 of the Conditions
For the reasons above, Mr. Ng clearly is unable to control who enters the Premise, it is therefore submitted accordingly that Mr. Ng is unable and does not have a protocol against the handling of drunkenness, violence, quarrel, disorderly conduct, known bad character, prostitute, thieves, or other immoral or illegal person’s use or occupation.

In this regard, I respectfully ask the Board to reconsider whether to allow for the renewal of Liquor Licence to Mr. Ng in respect of the Premise.

Best regards,



2020-01-20 17:34:57
2020-01-20 17:35:50
2020-01-20 17:36:55
2020-01-20 17:38:04
2020-01-20 17:44:49


612 721 811 831 929 101 112 113 1111 1112 1117 1118 11 新屋嶺 還眼 還命 被自殺 實彈 周同學 雞姦 強姦 輪姦 因姦成孕 圍攻大學 人踩人 濫捕濫殺
2020-01-20 17:47:43
點解Starbucks 要有酒牌?
2020-01-20 17:48:15
send 撚左
2020-01-20 17:48:43

2020-01-20 17:49:23
2020-01-20 17:54:51
2020-01-20 17:56:26
2020-01-20 17:57:20
2020-01-20 17:57:52
2020-01-20 17:58:13
2020-01-20 18:02:24
我做左咁耐人, 都係岩岩先知原來申請酒牌係要出廣告
2020-01-20 18:04:25
2020-01-20 18:10:42
2020-01-20 18:12:15
2020-01-20 18:13:07
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞