[美國戰線] 呢場仗點打先會嬴?

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2020-01-07 13:08:13
Sorry 呃左大家入黎。
我地黎緊係西雅圖會有個panel discussion 討論未來呢場運動既可行方向,仲誠邀以下4位作嘉賓,希望大家可以幫手推下,等多啲人見到同黎到。我地亦歡迎所有志同道合既手足到來。

This event is organized by UW Hong Kong Democracy & Human Rights Association and co-sponsored by Seattle Hong Kong Student Alliance.

Hong Kong’s protests have persisted for over six months, with no end in sight. What are its future prospects, and what are the efficacies and ramifications of U.S.-based advocacy for Hong Kong? This panel brings together four varied perspectives on this question to explore possible paths forward.

We would like to invite you to join our panel discussion with our panel speakers on 18th January 2020 (Sat) 2-4pm at Kane Hall 110, University of Washington:

Professor David Bachman (Henry M. Jackson Professor of International Studies in the Jackson School of International Studies)

Anna Cheung (the founder of New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong - NY4HK and Hong Kong Democracy Council - HKDC)

Kai Ping (Brian) Leung (Hong Kong activist; PhD student at the University of Washington in Seattle)

Clovis Wong (Member of Parisol (Pacific Rim Solidarity Network and Master student in teaching at University of Washington)

Admission fee: $6 (US dollar) per person
Capacity: 120 persons

All collected admission fee is used to cover the expenses in this event and any surplus would go to future HKDHRA events.

Participants must register for this event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hk-panel-discussion-at-uw-hong-kong-protests-plateaus-prospects-tickets-85203111801?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&fbclid=IwAR2yrr4JJnAh8Qlnz5zK_r31os_GhQzyQ7FnfxcVDOXK-ir91PunsJ6fOWE

EVENT LINK: https://www.facebook.com/events/2431775677039596/


2020-01-07 13:09:50
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
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#1 回覆 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2020-01-08 04:33:29
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