N95個意思只係隔到95%微粒, 隔到經空氣傳播病毒病菌嘅叫做 Surgical N95 Respirators
你搵果個FDA網寫咗 "For your convenience the Surgical N95 Respirators are indicated with the Model Number/Product Line in bold text followed by (FDA)."
8511係無bold到架, 同埋禁入去個產品資料都係講明用來防止 "Solids such as those from processing minerals, coal, iron ore, flour, and certain other substances. Liquid or non-oil based particles from sprays that do not also emit oil aerosols or vapors. ", 即係都係工業用嘅
所以都係用返外科口罩或者網入面有bold到啲型號(1860, 1870, 1805)先可以防止以空氣傳播嘅病毒病菌~