Australia fire fighting support [以港人名義籌款]

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2020-01-03 12:40:16


Australia-Hong Kong Link has been advocating support for Hong Kong's pro-democracy movement in Australia. We are grateful that Australia is taking positive steps to safeguard HongKongers' rights.


In the past few weeks, bushfires have ravaged across Australia. Our brave firefighters have been working tirelessly to contain the fires, putting their own lives on the line. Recently we witnessed the tragic deaths of 3 firefighters and we share this pain with our fellow Australians.


Australia-Hong Kong Link is calling for the HongKonger community to provide support in solidarity with our fellow Australians.

澳港聯特此,決定在GoFundMe眾籌平台,為山火救援行動籌款。籌得款項,扣除gofundme 行政費用外,將全數以香港人名義捐給NSW Rural Fire service 。

To this end, Australia-Hong Kong Link has setup a fundraising project in GoFundMe to support the fire fighting effort. All funds raised in this project, minus the administration fee charged by GoFundMe, will be donated to the New South Wales Rural Fire Service on behalf of HongKongers.
2020-01-04 00:45:37
2020-01-04 00:46:13
2020-01-06 06:38:25
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