
1001 回覆
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2020-01-04 19:51:57
2020-01-04 20:08:48
佢sweet sweet fantasy baby~~都係
2020-01-05 01:26:49
Justin Bieber - Yummy (Official Video)
2020-01-05 01:44:18
how did he go from What Do You Mean to this
2020-01-05 11:42:35
唔想睇 唔俾佢賺views
2020-01-05 12:49:46
笑死 回歸嚟講 佢啲成績真係差
2020-01-05 12:50:25
想問問有冇人知yummy 首日Spotify係幾多係咪輸咗畀Selena
2020-01-05 12:54:34
2020-01-05 12:55:23
Billie Eilish's "bitches broken hearts" has now surpassed 200 million streams on Spotify.
2020-01-05 13:07:35
Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus' "Old Town Road" returns to #1 on the weekly US YouTube songs chart (9.2 million).

It has now spent half a year at #1 (26 weeks).
2020-01-05 15:52:44
Skip Marley, H.E.R. - Slow Down
2020-01-05 15:53:39
覺得Her好似抄緊Jorja Smith個唱腔...
咁啱得咁橋jorja又有首叫slow down嘅歌
2020-01-05 22:43:24
有冇人會去聽Lewis Capaldi?
2020-01-06 09:41:03
2020-01-06 10:19:05
2020-01-06 11:43:53
2020-01-06 12:09:01
2020-01-06 12:13:04
頭先gloden Globes live 有依個廣告
2020-01-06 12:14:08
2020-01-06 12:16:31
CLS cumila有cosmetic廣告
2020-01-06 12:18:25
仲要係living proof
2020-01-06 13:16:51
Harry Styles :
2020-01-06 13:39:54
2020-01-06 13:40:39
想問係咪一開就係聽到living proof🤔係我就唔click入去了
2020-01-06 15:09:11
here i’m talking about prince Harry.
da fking 負皮 dahhhling r u hving u mind lost?
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