IGCSE 中文科 想問下~


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濕地公廁 2020-03-07 17:04:29
我係假絲 2020-03-12 12:07:31
濕地公廁 2020-03-13 21:12:50
廁所冇曬廁紙 2020-03-13 21:22:54
濕地公廁 2020-03-21 13:16:32
咁又未必 2020-03-23 18:50:06
廁所冇曬廁紙 2020-03-23 22:40:00
廁所冇曬廁紙 2020-03-23 22:41:23

As the COVID-19 outbreak has caused schools around the world to close, we've been working with you to support teaching and learning throughout this ever changing global situation. Our focus is on keeping everyone safe first and foremost, and on supporting students in all countries to achieve the qualifications they need to progress to universities around the world, further education and employment.

This is an unprecedented global situation, with governments applying different local changes, laws and guidelines based on their country’s situation. We understand the different situations that you may be facing, and we will be supporting all our international customers whatever your context.

Where schools are open and a country is deemed safe, exams for iPrimary, iLowerSecondary, International GCSE, and International A Level will take place for students outside of the UK in May and June 2020.

Where schools are closed and public exams are not permitted due to COVID-19, students will have the opportunity to receive a grade for qualifications where an entry has been made. These will be awarded using the same principles as the UK GCSE and GCE A Level which will not have exams in any country in May/June 2020. Further information will be available in the coming days confirming the process to be followed.

Please follow this page for further updates, and thank you for your patience and support in this rapidly changing situation. We hope you and your families keep safe and well.

(google translate)
由於COVID-19疫情已導致世界各地的學校關閉,我們一直在與您一起在不斷變化的全球形勢下支持教學。 我們的重點是確保每個人的安全至上,並支持所有國家的學生獲得升讀世界各地大學,繼續教育和就業所需的資格。

這是前所未有的全球局勢,各國政府會根據自己的國家/地區應用不同的本地更改,法律和準則。 我們了解您可能面臨的不同情況,無論您的情況如何,我們都會為所有國際客戶提供支持。

在學校開放且國家安全的地方,iPrimary,iLowerSecondary,International GCSE和International A Level考試將於2020年5月和2020年6月面向英國以外的學生。

如果學校因COVID-19而關閉且不允許公開考試,則學生將有機會獲得已被錄取的資格等級。 這些獎項將採用與英國GCSE和GCE A Level相同的原則授予,後者將在2020年5月/ 6月在任何國家/地區不進行考試。接下來的幾天中將提供更多信息,以確認將要遵循的程序。

請關注此頁面以獲取更多更新,並感謝您在這種快速變化的情況下的耐心和支持。 我們希望您和您的家人保持安全和健康。
廁所冇曬廁紙 2020-03-23 22:42:13
咁又未必 2020-03-23 23:21:28
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