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2019-12-20 22:57:04
拉奧拿幫佢搵多咁多錢, 點會炒
2019-12-20 23:12:22
2019-12-20 23:12:31
2019-12-20 23:17:17

2019-12-20 23:21:20
佢抵得架, 曼迷唔抵得之嘛

季尾輸俾卡迪夫城完場普巴無啦啦俾人屌, 明明全季踢得最好嗰個
2019-12-20 23:23:02
Raiola: “I think that Paul really went home, Paul could have gone elsewhere. But he really chose with his heart, to go home. Paul is a very, very nice person.

Raiola: “For example, Paul’s not able to be angry at Ole because Ole treated him so good when Ole was an older player and Paul was a younger player and the respect and the love that he received from Ole means he cannot get angry at Ole.”

Raiola: “Paul wants to be successful and happy and wants to win prizes and he would love to do that with mufc”

Raiola: “Okay there was big interest from Real Madrid and #mufc didn’t let him go. We didn’t make a fuss about it and he didn’t make a fuss about it because I work in accordance with the player.”

Raiola: “You know other players can bring things to extreme but Paul doesn’t like that. So you work differently.

Raiola: “There was an interest from Real Madrid but they (#mufc) didn’t let him go and I’m sorry because I think that Paul being French then (Zinedine) Zidane is an important factor in French football history.”

Raiola: “But Paul is not the guy I hear about from (Gary) Neville and all the frustrated ex-players who say, ‘he should be ashamed of this, ashamed of that’. Ashamed of what? He is working every day and doing his best.”

Raiola: “He’s (Pogba) not complaining there is no Champions League. Is he perfect? Nobody is. Is he also responsible for failure? He feels so. If you are in a team you are responsible for failure.”

Raiola: “#mufc needs a specialist, a sports director, someone between the team, the coach and the owners, someone who can bridge the sides.”

Raiola: “Today you need that specialist because the coach has no time to manage scouts and other tasks and I feel that is lacking at #mufc.”

Raiola: “In truth I look at #mufc and think that they have more an American mentality than a European one. By that I mean that sometimes it seems the club is more concerned about the economic part than the sports part.”
2019-12-20 23:23:59
其實都可以推FRED 上去CAM 做下迫搶
2019-12-20 23:24:16
Raiola: “#mufc need someone to connect the economic side and the sports side.”

Raiola: “People think I hate (Sir Alex) Ferguson. I don’t hate Ferguson.”

Raiola: “At least when Ferguson was there you saw it was his team – the way they played, pro-active, and the players that came in came in with an eye on how to play that game.”

Raiola: “Is there a better midfielder (than Pogba) in the world? No!

Raiola: “If you sell Paul Pogba would you buy a better one? No! Where is he? But if you create your identity then maybe you discover that Paul is ideal.”

Raiola: “If you, say, you want to play with two holding midfielders then where does Paul play? In several positions.”

Raiola: “So I say, make your identity of what you want your club to be and then find the ‘Lego’ parts for it.”

Raiola: “Then it’s easy to say, ‘if we play 4-3-3 and one holding midfielder then who is the best to play here and there?’ You need that clarity.

Raiola: “A big club chooses the system and then chooses the players. They don’t say, ‘we choose the system because of the players’. And then you say, ‘we create the players’.

Raiola: “Klopp and Guardiola have a clear thing, of definition, of identity. You know if a player fits them or not. Or you even say different, ‘this is a player for Klopp or for Guardiola’.

Raiola: “And tell me the player who you would like for Manchester United? You don’t know because you don’t know the definition of #mufc. The identity you don’t know.”
2019-12-20 23:24:39
有啲長 全部都係twitter cap出黎 先唔理死肥佬講呢
啲既背後目的 其實佢講得非常岩
1. 曼聯班高層睇錢多於戰績
2. 曼聯根本無一套完整戰術
sob 岩岩黎個時就放普巴打攻中位 打打下又縮番落去打holding midfield 簡單啲講 sob 唔識用普巴
2019-12-20 23:25:20


2019-12-20 23:25:40
普巴出返黎 433 其實應該係最好
2019-12-20 23:27:17

2019-12-20 23:27:49
2019-12-20 23:28:21

2019-12-20 23:31:28
2019-12-20 23:33:39

2019-12-20 23:35:58

1. 請director
2. 要球員配合套form,唔係靠球員去制定
3. 要有人逗住普巴
2019-12-20 23:44:48
1. 一日有木狗都唔使諗
2. 蘇sir根本未有form
3. 麥湯+fred, 再買件防中
2019-12-20 23:48:51
問心 球迷support 勁少
2019-12-20 23:49:14
2019-12-20 23:53:29
2019-12-20 23:54:29
福 馬 占

普 麥


Shaw 龜 冰 Awb

2019-12-20 23:57:16
2019-12-20 23:57:20
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞