Maps or lists of yellow/blue ships for an expat

11 回覆
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2019-12-18 12:10:36
Hello I am an expat in HK, how do I know which yellow shops to shop at vs blue ones to boycott?
2019-12-18 20:52:24
you can download an application called “whatsgap”
2019-12-20 01:49:42
2019-12-20 14:08:26
Thanks so much all!
2019-12-21 09:49:41
application'和你eat' or 'wolipay' works too
2019-12-21 13:06:48
already closed by fucky google
2019-12-22 02:10:47
I just saw fuck google
2019-12-26 14:25:18
You can try searching
2019-12-26 21:36:27
maybe visit
but Google translate is required
2019-12-26 21:38:02
sorry, should be
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