worldwide event to support HK

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2019-11-12 13:54:14
11.13 Global Wear Black for Hong Kong Day

Five months have passed since the beginning of the protests in Hong Kong, and police brutality has never quieted down. Thousands of Hong Kongers have been arrested, assaulted, tear-gassed and even shot with live-rounds simply for wearing black in public, or for arbitrarily judged as associated with protestors dressed in black. Just this Monday (11/11), a police officer pointed his gun at an unarmed protestor who showed no signs of aggression, and then shot live round at two other unarmed protestors. In the same morning, the police force has also marched into universities on the ridiculous ground that students are illegally assembling on campus.

Join us on 11/13 your local time and wear black to stand in solidarity with Hong Kongers - for the souls lost, and for those of us who are still fighting for freedom and democracy. Use the hashtag #HKwearsblack, upload pictures of you wearing black, and tag your friends to join.


For more detail:
2019-11-12 14:38:44
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