The President's Honour Roll is awarded to students taking a minimum of 12 units counting towards grade point average in a semester with semester GPA of
3.50 or above and with no grade below C for the same semester.
The Dean's List is awarded to students taking a minimum of 12 units counting towards grade point average in a semester with semester GPA of
3.00-3.49 and with no grade below C for the same semester.
其實出黎見工的話又真係無乜用既,但如果你個個sem都拎到dean/president list,咁咪證明你係每個sem都平均地高gpa,咁囉

但老老實實出黎見工interview d人睇完係gpa就係睇你interview
利申: 已經做咗好多年野先返黎讀書