[1020九龍見] 曼聯終極FF林鄭黑警仆街死暨吹水區[709]

1001 回覆
9 Like 3 Dislike
2019-10-19 20:44:41
2019-10-19 20:44:45
2019-10-19 20:44:47
個個post都咬住cc台, 過去cc台玩算啦
2019-10-19 20:46:22
曼聯球員 = 無料毅進仔
2019-10-19 20:48:21
Van der beek
2019-10-19 20:53:39
中場Van de beek = 2 goals + 4 assists
前鋒Lozano = 1 goal
2019-10-19 20:59:51
記得曼區有人吹奏過, 好撚在無買
2019-10-19 21:10:14
UEFA have banned Ajax fans from attending the Champions League game vs. Chelsea at Stamford Bridge ❌

So, where are the 2,000 who have already booked travel & accommodation going to go instead?

Leyton Orient vs. Brighton U21s in the EFL trophy!

Brisbane Road will be ROCKING.
2019-10-19 21:19:14
Andre Gomes 幾撚勁
2019-10-19 21:22:07
2019-10-19 21:36:19

~ Everton Win
~ Southampton Win
~ Newcastle Win
~ Aston Villa vs Brighton Draw
~ Manchester United vs Liverpool (0:2+)
2019-10-19 21:49:16
Manchester United executive vice-chairman Ed Woodward says claims non-football people take major football decisions at the Old Trafford club are "a myth" and "an insult".

Woodward, speaking at the club's annual all-staff meeting, says some of the allegations that have been made in recent times are wrong.

"There is a myth that we have non-football people making football decisions," he said. "I think that is insulting to the brilliant people who work on the football side in this club."

He added: "We've expanded our recruitment department in recent years and we believe this now runs in an efficient and productive way.

"Player recommendations and decisions are worked on by this department and by the first-team manager and his staff, not by senior management."
2019-10-19 21:59:34
2019-10-19 22:00:52
5串1上樓好時機 唔撚使按9成
2019-10-19 22:06:59
2019-10-19 22:07:53
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞