How to “educate” Lebron

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2019-10-16 05:01:05
Just watched Lebron James interview and said he didn’t think Morey was “educated” on the topic of HK.

Idea: why don’t we spam Lebron Pilates posts with comment with pictures of police atrocities in HK to educate him
2019-10-16 05:05:59
Depend on how determined you are. You might as well start will boycotting products advertised by him.
If you are more determined, take videos of u burning laker products you have and post it on IG. I deleted my blizzard account too.
2019-10-16 05:26:00
Yeah I already boycott all the brands I would buy before like vans. But I don’t own any lakers products. Just thought it might be interesting to flood him with comments
2019-10-16 21:22:20
just pay that spineless man, no need to educate
2019-10-16 21:26:19
who is lebron pilates?
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