Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019

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2019-12-08 15:02:48
2019-12-08 15:04:10
2019-12-08 16:06:33
2019-12-08 19:30:31
推~ 要查手足去向
2019-12-08 20:41:04
2019-12-09 00:03:21

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide case: According to a report, at 9:14 am yesterday, a 23-year-old man committed suicide at Upper height, Kwong Ga Factory Building, Kennedy Town. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 13th suicide case this month, and 11 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-09 12:38:54
2019-12-09 21:18:47
2019-12-10 00:05:08

⚠️ Recent suicide record: According to reports, at 3 am yesterday, a 37-year-old woman suspected of attempting suicide due to health problems at Shoreline, Hong Kong Cultural Centre, Tsim Sha Tsui. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 14th suicide case this month, and 11 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-10 00:16:18
2019-12-10 00:58:23
2019-12-11 00:16:45

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide case: According to reports, at 7:09 pm yesterday, a 50-year-old man and a 50-year-old woman attempted suicide in Hoi Chong Lau, Tui Min Hoi Chuen, Sai Kung. According to records, this is the 4th suicide case yesterday and the 18th suicide case this month, and 14 of them have died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-11 00:53:48
2019-12-11 13:30:56
2019-12-12 00:04:31

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide case: According to reports, at 7 am yesterday, a 57-year-old woman suspected of committing suicide due to health problems in Valiant Park, Conduit Rd, Mid-Levels. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 19th suicide case this month, and 15 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-12 13:11:42
2019-12-12 18:46:32
2019-12-12 18:51:17
2019-12-12 22:58:43
2019-12-12 23:01:59
2019-12-13 00:29:45

⚠️ 最近一宗自殺個案記錄: 據報,昨日下午4時許,一名48歲男子於尖沙咀永利大廈上址高處自殺。據錄,是昨日首宗及本月第21宗自殺個案,當中有17人因此而死亡。 ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-13 00:30:00

⚠️ Record of a recent suicide: According to reports, at 4 pm yesterday, a 48-year-old man committed suicide at Upper height, Wing Lee Building, Tsim Sha Tsui. According to records, this is the first suicide case yesterday and the 21st suicide case this month, and 17 of them died as a result. ⚠️

📝 If the report is corrected to a [non-suicide case], the relevant record will be removed. 📝

【Hong Kong Suicide Statistics in 2019】
2019-12-13 07:48:44
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